Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,16

irises dilate and her breath hitch. For that moment, feeling their pulses beat together, he knew that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

She broke the intimacy of the moment by jerking her hand away. He allowed her retreat. This time. But soon, very soon, her take-no-prisoners approach was going to break his control and he’d have to react. He could picture tossing her over his shoulder. Then he’d show her exactly how to use that passion!

Damn, that idea was so much more powerful now that he knew that she was just as interested!

Unfortunately, before he could point that out, the lovely doctor turned around and stalked out of the gym.

He watched her go, admiring the soft sway of her hips in the formal slacks, the slender waist, and the energy with which she seemed to do everything. Nothing was slow with this woman. As soon as that thought popped into his mind, he thought about going slow with her, pinning her down with one hand while teasing every inch of her delectable body with his mouth and his free hand. He couldn’t wait to hear her muttered, angry protests as he caressed every part of her, ratcheting up that passion higher and higher. He wondered if she would be silent or vocal when she climaxed in his arms. Would she scream? Or would all of that passion explode silently?

He couldn’t wait to find out!

Chapter 6

Harper smiled wearily to the guards standing sentry at the entry way as she made her way back into the palace. It had been a long day, filled with tragic interviews of parents who had lost their children as well as teachers who expressed frustration because they didn’t know how to help the children in their classrooms who were battling grief.

Normally, her life was filled with hope and uplifting others. But sometimes, such as today, the heavy hearts of people crying out for help weighed her down.

It was nothing that a hug from two sweet little girls wouldn’t solve, she thought as she walked towards the girls’ room.

When she reached the room, Harper froze. She blinked, not sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

Elsa and Ellora were sitting in Amit’s lap, their dark heads leaning against his massive chest. They were enraptured by the story he was reading to them. When he turned the page, Elsa stopped him, turning the page back and letting her fingers trace over the pictures. Amit looked down at her and asked her about the picture, what she thought, how the colors made her feel, and…other oddly perceptive questions.

Harper could feel that silly fluttering in her stomach again. Instead of interrupting, she silently backed out of the room, leaving them to their story time. But she paused, leaning against the wall to listen for another moment, smiling as Amit continued reading. He didn’t read the quoted text in different voices, but it didn’t matter. His deep voice was more soothing than she’d thought possible. When he spoke to her, that voice had the opposite effect. But when he read the story, it was…magical!

Harper woke up early the following morning, wanting to talk to the girls before she headed out for the day. But when she stepped into the nursery, she found it empty. Not even the nanny was there!

One of the servants stepped into the room, placing some boxes on the tutor’s desk.

“Where are Elsa and Ellora?” Harper asked.

The servant smiled. “The princesses are with the family in the dining room, ma’am,” she explained with a curtsy.

Harper stood there, stunned and surprised. The girls were eating with the family? How wonderful!

With a smile, she turned and walked away, a jaunty, happy skip to her step as she made her way to her the car that would take her to the day’s meetings.

Eight hours later, Harper had just gotten out of the enormous bath, her hair piled on top of her head with a clip, when the sharp knock on her door startled her. Tightening the towel around her, she hurried towards the closet where her bathrobe was. “Just a minute!” she called out.

The door opened and she spun around, staring at Amit as he stepped into the suite.


“I heard you call out and thought you’d said to come in.” He stopped and took in her warm, moist skin, her hair with tendrils gracing her shoulders from the mass on top of her head and the wary-eager look in her blue eyes. “I must have mis-heard Copyright 2016 - 2024