Seduced by a Scoundrel - By Barbara Dawson Smith Page 0,99

of wallpaper paste and the new flowered carpet. The greens and yellows of the decor lent a natural brightness to the gloomy day. But she could feel only the agitation of anger.

Going to the window, he propped his shoulder against the woodwork and scowled out at the rain. His hard features had a pensive quality that crept past her pain. Heaven help her, she wanted to be enveloped by his warmth. She had envisioned a far more romantic scenario in which she would tell him he would be a father.…

Guarding her heart, Alicia crossed her arms. “Well. You managed to turn the afternoon into a disaster. Have you nothing to say?”

“I do, indeed. What’s going on between those two?”

His keen gaze scattered her thoughts. “Sarah and James?” Her voice softened. “I believe they are in love.”

“Or in lust,” Drake said. “Is he capable of consummation?”

Alicia huffed out a breath. She oughtn’t be surprised he could ask such an indelicate question. “How should I know?”

“Women talk to each other.”

“There are some things a lady doesn’t discuss, not even with her best friend. I wouldn’t betray a confidence, anyway.” Watching him, she tried to fathom his deep dislike. “And why do you wish to know? So you can reassure yourself that James finds no pleasure in his life?”

“Of course not. I’m curious, that’s all.” Leaving the window, he sauntered toward her, stopping mere inches away. “Don’t look so dubious, my lady. You should know that, of late, my thoughts have been centered on”—he looked her up and down—“intimate matters.”

An involuntary thrill eddied through her. In direct opposition to her will, her breasts tightened and her pulse surged. Keeping her voice steady, she said, “I know that you’ve carried on a ridiculous rivalry with Lord Hailstock. And you’ve let that absurdity extend to his son.”

“He doesn’t belong here with you. It isn’t proper.”

“Since when have you cared about conventions? Besides, James and I have been operating a school, not conducting an affair.”

“And it’s a fine school, indeed.” All charming scoundrel again, Drake placed his warm hands at her waist and gave her the smile that could turn her into a helpless ninny. “I’m proud of you, Alicia. I’ll admit, you surprised me today. I’d never imagined you had any interest in teaching—especially those less privileged than yourself.”

His praise soothed the wound within her heart. She wanted to melt against him, but she also wanted to make her point. Placing her hands on his chest, she held him back. “James is my partner in the school. As such, I insist that you cease this hostility toward him and his father.”

For a heartbeat, Drake stared at her. Then he nuzzled her mouth again. “Never mind them. Kiss me.”

She turned her face away. “No. I will have your promise.”

“Don’t be a scold. Be my lover.”

“Don’t be a scoundrel,” she countered. “I know you’re capable of better than that.”

Their gazes clashed. He scowled as if determined to conceal his worthy side from her.

She was just as determined not to back down. “I mean what I say, Drake. I cannot abide this constant strife. I want your pledge to be civil. I can’t imagine why you’d refuse me that.”

His jaw clenched; he glanced away for a moment. “If it means so much to you,” he said grudgingly, “then I’ll try.”

“You’ll do more than try. You’ll give me your vow.”

His fingers pressed into her waist. He looked so fierce, Alicia felt a sinking expectation of his refusal. Then he ground out, “All right, then. You have it.”

The breath left her lungs in a sigh of relief. At once her anger dissolved and she wrapped her arms around him, relishing the beat of his heart against her breasts. She trusted him to keep his word. The realization warmed Alicia down to the tips of her toes. He was a difficult, complex man, but beneath his hardened exterior, he had a core of integrity.

Standing on tiptoe, she pressed her lips to his smooth-shaven cheek. She breathed deeply, smelling the freshness of rain on his still-damp hair. No longer could she quell the feelings inside herself. “Oh, Drake. I do love you.”

His dark lashes dipped slightly over his midnight-blue eyes. She could not read the expression in his shuttered gaze. Moving his hands to cup her neck, he lowered his mouth to hers. She parted her lips, welcoming his deep exploration, offering him all the affection in her heart. With patience, she could bend him, change him, make him a better man. Copyright 2016 - 2024