Seduced by a Scoundrel - By Barbara Dawson Smith Page 0,34

the housekeeper. “Din’t I, Yates?”

“Oh, hush up, Chalkers. Everyone will know you’ve been tippling in the cellar again.” Yates smiled coyly at Drake. “We merely thought to offer our congratulations, sir, on your marriage.”

The butler was drunk? Alicia wondered in outraged surprise. And why would Drake permit such a wayward manner in his housekeeper?

She stepped out from behind him. “I should be pleased to meet each and every one of you—”

“No,” Drake said. Raising his voice to address all the servants, he added, “Mrs. Wilder and I thank you very much. You may return to your duties now.”

While Alicia stood rigid with shock, the staff dispersed toward the rear of the house, though a plump, dark-eyed girl continued to gape at the master’s bride until a skinny footman tugged at her arm. Uttering a gasp, she darted away with him, disappearing through a doorway at the end of the corridor.

Alicia rounded on Drake. “For heaven’s sake, I need to learn their names. And to establish my authority here.”

“You’re not to bother with the servants. Mrs. Yates will handle them.”

“Indeed? She arrays herself like a bawd and disobeys your orders. And your butler was inebriated!”

“That is no concern of yours.”

“I beg to differ. The head servants should act as examples of propriety for the lower staff. They are in need of firm guidance from the lady of the house.”

“I shall have a word with Yates and Chalkers. You shall concentrate on renewing your connections in society.”

His steely-soft voice left her cold. So that was how he intended their marriage to be. He would deny her any prestige in his house. He would treat her as unworthy in front of his employees. Even the most downtrodden wife controlled the domestic affairs. But he would strip her of that right.

She hid her anger behind a chilly mask. Let him give her orders. She would do as she saw fit. “Never fear, Mr. Wilder. I shall fulfill my part of our bargain.”

“You agreed to call me Drake.”

“You agreed I Would be your wife. Not your chattel.”

He chuckled, guiding her toward the staircase that soared upward in a sweeping curve. “I’m giving you every luxury. You won’t have to lift a finger. That’s hardly the life of a slave.”

In a show of dignity, she drew off her gloves. “Yet you refuse me the freedom to make my own place here.”

Their eyes clashed in a battle of wills. It was a battle that had little to do with the trifling issue of names—and everything to do with her determination to command respect from him.

A wicked warmth entered his eyes and he grasped her by the waist. Leaning closer, he said, “Hellcat.”


“Touché. And if you wish to be treated like a wife, I’ll be happy to oblige.” He crowded her against the newel post. His voice soft and silken, he said, “There’s no shame in desiring your husband, Alicia.” His thumb rubbed her inner wrist. “Tonight is our wedding night. Invite me to your bed, and I’ll show you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams.”

Her senses surged with the heat of his body, the hint of masculine cologne, the alluring blue of his eyes. His snowy cravat made a striking contrast to his coal-dark hair and swarthy skin. He stood so close she could see the faint black stubble on his jaw, and she wanted to touch him there, to learn every hard angle of his face. Her heart beat faster, making her dizzy. She wanted—she craved—another taste of that beautiful male mouth.…

“What the hell’s this?”

Jolted to her senses, she realized he held her hand up. The sapphire and diamond ring glinted in the watery light from the windows.

“I didn’t buy this for you,” he said.

She ought to tell him a half-truth. But still shaken by his nearness, she felt the irrepressible need to punish him. “Didn’t I tell you?” she asked airily. “This is Lord Hailstock’s wedding gift to me.”

A darkness descended over Drake’s face, and a muscle worked in his jaw. Abruptly he plucked the ring off her finger. “I’ll return it to him.”

Angered, she reached for the gold band. “It’s mine.”

“No,” he stated, thrusting it into his pocket. “You will never, ever accept gifts from any other man. Is that understood?”

His aura of barely restrained violence startled Alicia. She hadn’t known a man could be so possessive. She could better understand his jealousy if theirs was a love match.…

Then the sound of voices and tramping feet intruded from the porch. Into the entrance hall stepped Copyright 2016 - 2024