Seduced by a Scoundrel - By Barbara Dawson Smith Page 0,29

rumpled, his posture tense beneath his formal gray coat. “Your servant informed me you were on your way down,” he said, nodding grimly at Mrs. Philpot. “My God, Alicia, I heard only this morning that the wedding will take place today. What is the meaning of such haste?”

She glanced at her mother. “Let us withdraw to the library,” she murmured. “We can speak in private there.”

As they walked to the doorway, Lady Eleanor called out, “Please, wait!” Clearly bewildered, she glanced back and forth at them. In a timid little-girl’s voice, she went on, “Richard, you never told me why Claire didn’t come with you. Is she ill?”

He flinched, his eyes stark. “You know why. She’s gone.”

“Gone where?” the countess asked, mystified.

“For God’s sake, she’s d—”

“She’s departed on a long journey,” Alicia interjected hastily, before Hailstock could reveal the harsh truth of Claire’s death. Many years ago, Mama had been best friends with Hailstock’s first wife. They had grown up together, Claire a penniless orphan, taken in as a companion for Lady Eleanor, the pampered only child of an earl. This morning, Mama had drifted back to that time and believed herself to be a carefree young lady again.

Mama blinked in confusion. “A journey? Oh, dear, Claire didn’t tell me. There is something about her … something I should remember.…”

“You should remember to tell your daughter how foolish she is to marry in haste—” Hailstock began.

“That is quite enough,” Alicia said, giving his arm a sharp tug.

Mrs. Philpot hurried forward to sit with the countess. “There, now, I shall keep you company in Claire’s absence. Oh, won’t we have a grand time at the wedding today?”

A quivering smile touched Lady Eleanor’s lips, and she nodded. Over the past week, Mrs. Philpot had proven herself indispensable. She never lost her patience and always displayed a cheerful humor.

Feeling safe to leave them, Alicia led Lord Hailstock into the vacant library, closed the doors, and swung to face him. “Why must you distress Mama? It serves no purpose. And what did you say to her before I walked into the room?”

“I merely reminded her she is no longer a girl just out of the schoolroom. She is a widow, the mother of grown children.” His gray eyes keen, he shook his head. “If I may be blunt, Alicia, you are not doing her any service by pandering to her fantasies.”

“On the contrary, I’m making her happy. This isn’t a game Mama is playing.”

“That is precisely why she belongs in a place apart from sane people.” He paced with his hands behind his back, his heels clicking on the bare floor. “I’m worried for your sake. Her actions are unpredictable. Remember the time she imagined herself as Joan of Arc? She might have run you through with her sword.”

Alicia discounted any danger. “Mama abhors violence. She would never harm anyone.”

“And if her condition worsens? You don’t always know what she’ll do next.”

“I know her better than anyone, and she will continue to live with me after my marriage.”

Hailstock made a snort of disbelief. “Is that what Wilder told you? You shouldn’t believe his pretty promises. He’s a cardsharp and a swindler. Honesty isn’t his strong suit.”

Privately she agreed, yet she felt a strange compulsion to defend the man who would be her husband. “He gave me more than his promise. He signed an agreement granting me sole guardianship of Mama until Gerald reaches his majority.” Only yesterday, a sober-faced solicitor had delivered the legal papers for her signature. She had scrutinized the brief statement, satisfying herself that it could not be overturned by any court.

“Wilder won’t honor such a contract. He isn’t a gentleman. The scapegrace considers himself above the law.” His face grim, he added, “Mark my words, he’ll find the means to lock Eleanor away.”

The knife of doubt twisted in her heart. Was the marquess right? Was she naïve to trust Drake? To put herself and her family at his mercy?

In a low, firm voice, she said, “I must trust in our agreement. I have no other choice.”

“You do have a choice. You can wed me.”

She shook her head. “I know you will lock Mama away forever.”

Hailstock came closer and grasped her gloved hands, as if she were a child to be placated. “My dear, I’ve known you since you were a babe in arms. And I’ve grown to love and respect you as a woman. I cannot allow you to take this disastrous course of action.”

In spite of her resolve, his Copyright 2016 - 2024