Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home #2)- Nikita Parmenter Page 0,71

He rests his forehead against mine as his eyes close and he takes deep, calming breaths.

“Well that’s one way to snap him out of it” Jensen chuckles, from behind me.

“Why didn’t we think of that?” Luc says sarcastically.

“Maybe because I don’t like any dicks apart from my own?” Atlas rasps as he moves his head back and smirks at them, making them chuckle in relief.

“Hey, welcome back Atty” I smile softly as his eyes snap back to mine.

“If she was anyone else, she would be dead for calling him that” Trick scoffs.

“That’s right fuckers so don’t get any ideas” he chuckles darkly as he moves his hands from my hips to wrap his arms around my back as he pulls me closer are eyes connecting.

“Are you ok, Princess?” his asks, his fingers stuttering as they run over the scars on my back. “One day I’ll want to know” he finishes and I hear what he’s left unsaid. His reason for wanting to know is twofold not only to know more about me but so he can take care of them for me.

I place my hand on his scarred cheek and his face leans into my palm automatically.

“I’ll want to know too, Atty” I say softly but full of conviction.

He studies my features for a second before nodding reluctantly and then repeating himself.

“Are you ok, Princess?”

“I am now,” I tell him honestly, “I’m safe. As long as they think it won’t trigger you too badly” I say because from his reaction hearing my past will trigger him. Especially if his reaction to my scars are anything to go by. He catches my meaning easily and growls as he tugs me even closer, “the guys can tell you what I’ve shared with them of my past” he nods and I study his features, I decide to take a gamble, “are you ok?”

He smiles darkly, with no mirth and refuses to answer. One day I hope he tells me, and the guys for that matter but for now I just lean forward and kiss his scarred cheek before scooting off of his lap. I don’t particularly want to but I am starting to sober up a little and I realise that I’m being far too friendly with Atlas considering, not only have I only just met him but I’m also really into his six friends who he considers brothers.

As I sit down next to Trick I take a cautious glance around at the guys. Like with each other there’s no anger or jealousy coming from them. I decide to just leave it be and Cash pulls me over to him, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and kissing me softly when I tilt my head up to his. It’s like he knows I was about to freak out and is showing me it’s ok. I sigh happily as Trick places his hand on my thigh and just enjoy being surrounded by them all. I can over analyse tomorrow. That talk is becoming more and more necessary. I’m still refusing to do it until we leave though. Admittedly I did complicate things a bit when I slept with Trick. My body heats at the memory and I push it back.

As if he can tell what I’m thinking about he tips my face towards his and kisses me slowly. His behaviour towards me and towards the guys when they touch or kiss me hasn’t changed and I find myself incredibly grateful for it. He really is just amazing.

I think they all are though and that’s part of the problem.

Luc hands me a beer, and I take it gratefully as it brings me out of my head, he pecks me quickly on the lips winking and making me smile. Everyone settles in just enjoying the bubbles from the jets for a minute. Glancing curiously at Atlas to see what his reaction to the dynamic me and the guys have going on, I see that he is just watching us curiously. No judgement or anything else.

It intrigues me more than it should.

“So Atty, all the guys have really told me about you is that you’re a scary mother fucker, tell me something I don’t know?” I ask, beyond curious.

He’s flighty though and one wrong question from me will have him shutting down in an instant. So I let him choose what he wants to tell me. Whilst Atlas is looking the other way obviously thinking of something to tell me, Rafe catches my eye and starts very Copyright 2016 - 2024