Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home #2)- Nikita Parmenter Page 0,53

not long before we finally arrive in a tiny little town that only has a couple of shops down the main street but does have a fairly decent size grocery store on the outskirts. As soon as we pull in, I rush out after Rafe, my body shivering as the freezing air envelops me. After being in the warm car surround by my men, the cold is jarring. I start to rush towards the store my boots crunching in the snow.

“Where are you rushing off to?” Riot shouts after me.

“I need to pee, stupid giant coffee” I yell back and they all chuckle but rush to catch up to me.

As soon as I enter the store I find the bathroom and when I come out, they’re all waiting for me and I grin. Jensen throws his arm around my shoulder.

“Come on lets go get some food” he says as the guys grab two carts.

I’d be shocked if I hadn’t already seen how much these guys eat, add in hopefully Atlas as well and we’re going to need a lot of food.

“Ok. I just need to grab something. Me and Jensen will meet you by the fresh fruit?” I say not giving the others a chance to protest as I tug Jensen towards the section of the store that has loads of games. I’m hoping I can find one for his new consol.

“What are we doing, Angel?”

“I need to pick Trick up another present, his other ones no good. I thought I could get him a game but I’ve no idea which one, hence why I need your help” I explain.

“Alright, got it. We’ll find something, Dragonfly.”

It doesn’t take long at all for us to find a game he’d like and pay for it. Jensen runs it out the truck and hides it in my suitcase before coming back in and we go and find the guy’s which are surprisingly where they should be.

“You guys ok?” Trick asks curiously.

“All good brother” Jensen nods, “let’s get some food.”

As we’re going around the store I can’t help but get the feeling that they’re taking it in turns to distract me. I’m beyond curious but since I’m so curious about a lot of shit right now, I easily decided that I’ll leave them to whatever they’re up to. I’m sure I’ll find out at some point.

I watch in amusement as the guys throw mostly snacks into the cart before I can’t really take it anymore and decide to step in.

“Are you guys seriously only going to eat snacks for this whole trip or are you planning to eat proper food too?” I grin.

To my amusement several of them blush.

“Well none of us can really cook, so it’s ramen and microwave meals for dinner” Cash explains, “and cereal, lots of cereal.”

“You’re joking?” I ask.

“Nope, sorry Ever. I guess we probably should have warned you about that before we bought you up here?” Luc says.

“You think?” I grumble but unable to hide my amusement I end up smirking. “Right well can you read a box?”

“Well yeah, of course we can” Riot answers for all of them sounding slightly confused about where I’m going with this.

“Ok, so can you follow instructions?”

“Yes” Jensen answers sounding just as confused.

“Then you can cook most stuff. Loads of food has the instructions to cook it on the back of the packaging” I explain. “Since I don’t want to eat ramen this entire trip and I also don’t want to be in charge of cooking all the meals. I’ll chuck a few easy to put together ones in the cart and then get the ingredients for a couple of more complicated ones that I’ll cook, but you guys have to make the effort to try and cook the easy ones. Deal?” I ask.

“Absolutely! Thank fuck Ever” Trick says his voice filled with relief.

I chuckle at them as they all look at me like I hung the fucking moon. Man, if that’s all it takes to keep these guys happy then I’m sure as shit in for an easy life.


Fuck, getting a bit ahead of yourself there Ever, are you not?

Focusing back on the guys and not on my wayward thoughts, I pull out my phone and write a quick list of meals or we’re going to be wandering around the store aimlessly whilst I think of shit to make and the things we need to make it. I would like to get to the cabin before nightfall.

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