Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home #2)- Nikita Parmenter Page 0,127

do you want?”

“I’m bored” he pouts and I grin.

“What do you want me to do about it?” I grumble unable to hide my amusement.

“I dunno” he smirks unhelpfully and just carries on poking me.

“Duuuude, are you going to keep freaking poking me until I help you become unbored” I groan, still grinning.

“Nope, I’ve got an idea I just wanted to poke you” he winks and I chuckle at the obvious innuendo. “Want to pull a prank?” He asks, lowering his voice as his eyes light up with a wicked kind of glee.

“Oh fuck yes!” I exclaim, trying to contain my excitement and keep quiet. My energy levels suddenly shooting back up. “What’s the plan?” I ask.

“Ok first, pranks aren’t nearly as much fun sober, so do you want a beer?” he asks me and I grin.

“It’s only eleven but we’re on vacation, so sure.” I chuckle and sit up as he hops up and tugs me to my feet pulling me towards the kitchen.

He hands me a beer as he gets one for himself and then jumps up onto the kitchen side as if it’s no effort at all as he fishes around on top of one of the cupboards and pulls down two grocery bags.

“I’ve got more supplies in the garage but I have a feeling that we might need as many of these as we can get” he chuckles as he hops back down and kisses me quickly before making his way towards the exit and brushing past Rafe as he does.

Rafe eyes the bags in his hands but doesn’t question it as his gaze lands on me, his mouth kicking up into a one sided smirk.

“Hey Baby, I’m going to make brownies” he says his grin widening.

I grin which quickly turns into a giggle when Jensen literally skids to halt and spins around his eyes wide. Rafe glances behind himself and chuckles.

“Alright you get to pick my underwear tomorrow” I grin as Rafe dips his head and kisses me softly.

“You got it, Baby” he smiles and walks further into the kitchen pulling out everything he needs to make, according to the guys, amazing brownies.

I turn back to Jensen and grab his hand on the way past.

“Come on, I want to know what you’ve got planned” I chuckle as he reluctantly follows me. “You know that they won’t be ready for a while right?”

“Yeah but just in case I feel like I should be there” he says with a straight face as we push through the door by the stairs and into the long hallway leading to the garage.

He ends up laughing before we even get two steps down the hallway.

“Alright I can’t wait any longer what’s the prank you want to pull?”

“Fine Angel, we’re fairly limited because of what I could bring without one of the guys getting suspicious or Kat and Marc noticing, side note really fucking weird that they stayed at my house, not bad weird but still…”

“Jensen, back on track” I interrupt, it’s damn cute that they’re together now and I’m glad Jensen isn’t weirded out in a bad way.

“Sorry” he chuckles. “Anyway, I thought we’d post-it note Trick’s car, like the entire car” he grins as I start bouncing on my toes in excitement and he lifts up the bags in his hands, “I have more hidden in the garage” he adds.

“I have always wanted to do that to someone” I grin.

“I’ve also got loads and loads of solo cups and I thought we could set them up on the floor of the garage and fill them with water so we get to enjoy their reactions for longer” he grins his trickster grin at me and my heart pounds faster, I fucking love that grin of his.

“I am so up for that, genius idea. It’s going to take a while though. Are you sure the guys will stay out of here?” I pause and ask another question before he can answer the first one, “and beer, we are definitely going to need more beer” I say seriously as he walks to the back corner of the cavernous garage towards where the trailer that held the snow mobiles on the way up here is parked. He comes back out from behind it carrying a couple more bags with more colourful post-it notes and two more beers, handing me one and then a bag of post-its too.

“Don’t worry Angel, there’s plenty of beer and they’ve been wanting to play that game for ages, Rafe is Copyright 2016 - 2024