Secrets Whispered from the Sea - Emma St. Clair Page 0,9

the sudden rush of emotion that filled my throat, and managed to blink a little at Jackson, hoping he couldn’t see my struggle displayed all over on my face.

“I’d be happy to come by and have a look,” he said. “Actually, given the imminent baby situation, I’ll send over one of my contractors. I’ve seen the property and know that street well. You’ll have no problem selling, if that’s what you want to do.”

“And if she doesn’t want to sell?” Vivi asked, winking at me. “Maybe we can find her a nice island man and convince her to stay.”

I choked a little on my latte, and Jackson tried not to laugh. Vivi was totally off-base with that idea. No way was I settling down here. Even if the idea of selling Nana’s house made me squeamish.

“I’ll have to talk to Ann,” I said.

“It would make a great rental property and bring in some steady income if you don’t want to sell. Whatever you decide, I’m happy to offer my help and services.”

“Jackson is a good friend to have,” Vivi said, patting his arm. “And he likes to keep an Old Island influence on things, if you know what I mean.”

I guessed that she meant some of the big new homes I’d seen that had the classic wood shingle siding like Nana’s and the other historic cottages. I liked them a lot better than the brightly colored, modern mini mansions that looked out of place.

“That sounds good. I’d like that.”

“Great.” Jackson smiled. I’m not sure what I would have expected for a billionaire developer, but not this kind, totally normal man chatting with me and Vivi in a coffee shop. “I’ll make a few calls and let you know.”

His phone buzzed as we were exchanging numbers, and Jackson practically knocked the table over as he jumped up. “That’s my cue. It’s time!” The grin on his face was half ecstatic and half terrified.

“Good luck! Send Jenna my love!” Vivi said, blowing him a kiss.

“Good to meet you!” I called, and Jackson waved as he ran from the shop.

“Sounds like you’ve got a lot to think about, my dear,” Vivi said, her eyes twinkling. “Lots of decisions. I won’t try to sway you, but I do think it’s about time you settled down. Why not here?”

I loved Vivi. I really did. But this was going to get old quickly. “We’ll see,” I said, even though I already knew I wouldn’t be staying on Sandover.


I felt Ann’s arrival to the offices of Davis & Davis like a cold wind blowing against my face. Or maybe that was simply the AC, which these lawyers had on high, even though it was only March. After spending the rest of the morning sweating in Nana’s house while trying to reach an AC repair company, I should have enjoyed cooling off. But seeing Ann’s pinched mouth made the temperature drop to arctic levels.

I studied my sister and Tommy as they crossed the lobby to me. The only thing Ann and I shared besides DNA was a spray of freckles across our noses and cheeks. She usually covered hers with foundation, so I was surprised to see that she hadn’t today.

Tommy looked the way he always did—like a big, handsome golden retriever of a man. Blond hair, golden skin, and a white smile whose warmth almost tempered my sister’s cold exterior. Almost. He wore his typical uniform of a polo shirt, shorts, and boat shoes. Other than business suits, I’d never seen him in anything else.

To avoid the question of whether we would hug or not, I decided to heck with it and wrapped my arms around Ann’s shoulders. She had clearly not been planning to hug me, and her arms got awkwardly trapped between us.

“Sorry,” I said, pulling back.

She sputtered a little, removing my long red hair from where it had stuck to her lipstick. “Hello, Clementine.”

“Ann,” I said.

Tommy broke up the awkwardness by giving me a hearty side hug. “Good to see you, Clementine. Terrible circumstances, obviously, but we’re always glad for a chance to see you.”

We? I glanced between the two of them. His statement was at least true for one of them. Ann’s eyebrows shot up.

I never understood how someone so happy and kind as Tommy would pair up with someone cool and aloof like Ann. They were beyond polar opposites in that way. Kind of like me and Ann, except I didn’t have Tommy’s outgoing friendliness. I was more the snarky, strange one.

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