The Secrets She Must Tell - Lucy King Page 0,39

side helped. His proximity was as reassuring as it was intoxicating. He looked so incredibly handsome this evening in his impeccably tailored navy suit that matched his eyes and a pale blue shirt. His imposing height and the impressive breadth of his shoulders stood him apart from everyone else, and then there was the aura of confidence and power that surrounded him and sent shivers of anticipation rippling through her.

Georgie had only really ever seen Finn the father or Finn the deliverer of outstanding orgasms. She’d never experienced this side of him, the utterly compelling, totally in command, billionaire tycoon. It was dazzling being with him, knowing he was hers, and she was no more immune to his effect than any of the other couple of hundred or so women present this evening.

However, it wasn’t the luxury of her surroundings or the endless supply of champagne or even Finn’s presence beside her that was causing Georgie’s state of heightened excitement. Nor was it the memory of him raising the privacy partition in the car as they’d made their way from the station to the hotel, then sliding his hand up her skirt and making her come silently and hard within minutes, which kept slipping into her head and making her blush. It wasn’t even the euphoric relief at knowing she was truly better and could therefore stop taking her medication, a plan she’d implemented this morning.


What was responsible for the dizzying delight whipping through her was the unexpected yet shattering conclusion she’d come to while having her hair and make-up done this afternoon in the hotel’s very exclusive salon.

To get there she’d had to pass the hotel’s pharmacie, which was as elegantly designed as the rest of the building. As she’d settled back to have her hair washed, she’d found herself idly wondering what sort of pharmaceutical things a guest might need while staying in such a hotel but may not have. A forgotten toothbrush perhaps. A plaster or an aspirin. Or something they might possibly need unexpectedly, such as a tampon or, if they were very lucky, a condom. This naturally had got her to thinking about sex, with Finn, how much she longed to do it and what a crying shame it was that they couldn’t.

And then it had struck her like a breath-stealing blow to the chest that maybe they could. Her period had finished yesterday—no unexpected need for a tampon—and her cycle was long. So the chances of getting pregnant at this stage of it were remote. Really remote. And therefore if she and Finn were extra-careful, she’d thought, her head spinning and her heart thumping while the stylist lathered her up, what was stopping them from having full-on sex tonight? What was stopping them from making up for lost time and having full-on sex the entire weekend?

As far as she could tell, absolutely nothing. It would be virtually risk-free. Certainly risk-free enough for her to consider it an excellent idea. The only potential obstacle was Finn, but surely he wouldn’t object. While unravelling her in the car he’d murmured that he’d found the last week impossibly frustrating, despite her extreme and selfless generosity on that front, so presumably he’d be as thrilled with her proposal as she was.

And so, once she was all styled and made up and fairly bubbling over with excitement and anticipation, Georgie had gone back to the pharmacy to acquire supplies for what she hoped would be at least forty-eight hours of mind-blowing sex, give or take a meeting or two, and returned to her room to get dressed as if floating on air.

For the duration of the party she’d hugged her plan to herself, but it wasn’t for much longer. In an hour or so the party would surely begin to wind down and they’d be done, and then she and Finn would head upstairs and with any luck start burning up his one thousand thread-count sheets properly.

And, quite frankly, she couldn’t wait.


THERE WAS SOMETHING different about Georgie tonight, Finn thought, watching through narrowed eyes as she chatted and laughed with a small group of guests. And it wasn’t just the way she looked, although that was pretty magnificent. The dress she had on was strapless and tight, knee-length and of a forest-green velvety sort of fabric, the kind of dress he wanted to peel off her with his teeth. Nor was it the relaxed ease with which she interacted with people, which reminded him of the vibrant, sexy Copyright 2016 - 2024