The Secrets She Must Tell - Lucy King Page 0,34

his misery. ‘We were careful the last time and look what happened. I can’t get pregnant a second time. I can’t go through the last six months all over again. Ever. We can do everything else though.’

As her words sank in he shuddered with visible relief. ‘Thank God for that.’

‘I’m sure you know things I’ve never even heard of.’

‘Based on past experience, I very much doubt that.’

‘Is that OK?’ she added, suddenly worried that it might not be enough for him.

‘I’ll take anything you’re willing to give.’

Phew. ‘Then we’re going to be busy.’

‘Fine by me.’

He turned with her still in his arms and backed her up towards the bed until her knees hit the edge of it. Together they fell onto the mattress, his hard-muscled weight pinning her down in the most breathtakingly lovely way.

‘That’s better,’ he muttered, lowering his head and capturing her mouth with his in a kiss that blew her mind all over again.

Caught up in a maelstrom of soul-shattering sensation, Georgie gave up thinking and let instinct take over. She lifted her hands to his shoulders, smoothing them over his muscles, feeling them bunch and flex as he held himself off her just enough to prevent crushing her.

He dragged his mouth along her jaw to her ear, nipping at a spot that made her groan as heat sizzled through her, and she gasped, ‘You remembered.’

‘I remember everything.’

Shifting slightly onto his side, Finn put one large, warm hand on her waist, making her jump and shudder, and then slid it behind her back to unclip her bra. After slipping it off her and throwing it aside he cupped her breast, and with a soft moan she instinctively arched her back to press herself further into his hand. He bent his head and caught one tight nipple between his lips and she whimpered as sparks shot through her. Her hands tightened in his hair, although whether to hold him still or push him lower she couldn’t tell. She didn’t want the exquisite torment he was subjecting her to to stop but on the other hand she wanted that clever mouth of his all over her. It was the most delicious of dilemmas.

Abandoning her breast, he slid his hand lower, easing beneath the waistband of her shorts and knickers, and she lifted her hips to help him push them down.

‘Beautiful,’ he muttered gruffly, his gaze singeing her skin as he moved his hand back up her calf, her knee, her thigh, taking his time and lingering in places that had her quivering. When he reached the juncture of her thighs and covered her where she was so hot and needy she cried out. He parted her with his fingers and stroked, and jolts of excitement streaked through her. Her breath caught and her heart thundered and when she reached down to touch him through his jeans his breath shot out in one long hiss.

Unable to lie there impassively while Finn was still partly clothed and doing everything, and desperately wanting to feel him without denim between them, she nudged him to encourage him to roll over, but he stopped her.

‘No,’ he said roughly, his entire body vibrating with tension. ‘You’re first.’

Noble, she thought with a shudder at the thought of the pleasure to come. But no. That wasn’t happening. Not when she owed him for the whipping-her-top-off moment. ‘Who said we have to take turns?’

He went still for a moment and then his eyes darkened and his mouth curved into a slow, smouldering smile. ‘Good point.’

He flipped onto his back, taking her with him, and she wriggled down his body. Her hands were trembling as she unbuckled his belt, so much so that she couldn’t actually undo the buttons of his fly. He batted her aside to do it himself and the sight of his capable hands with their strong fingers that could cause so much devastation within her liquefied her stomach.

He kicked off his jeans and shorts and then planted his hands on her waist to manoeuvre her into a position in which she was facing his feet and he was gripping her hips and lifting her to where he wanted her and where she wanted to be. Supporting herself on her elbows, she wrapped her fingers around his long, thick, hard length and heard him groan, and then gave a reciprocal one of her own when his tongue touched her sensitive flesh and sent sensation coursing through her.

As she moved her hand up and down the velvety Copyright 2016 - 2024