The Secrets She Must Tell - Lucy King Page 0,32

were none?

It was entirely possible, but, if she was right and these were signs that she’d missed, then she was not only an idiot but she was also not as back to her old self as she’d imagined because that Georgie would never have missed anything.

But that wasn’t important right now. Assuming she hadn’t got things completely wrong, Finn appeared to want her and she might as well admit that she wanted him. She’d tried to ignore it and treat him like a flatmate, as if she were back in her old flat in Kensal Rise that she’d shared with three others, two of whom had been men she’d had no interest in, but that hadn’t exactly worked. Despite her best intentions, she hadn’t been able to entirely stop fantasising about him naked, about what they might get up to if she should happen to find herself in his vicinity naked too.

So what was going to happen next?

They clearly couldn’t carry on like this. Things would eventually come to a head and erupt. And what was she going to do when they did? Well, she was never having sex again obviously, but, assuming Finn was amenable, there was no reason they couldn’t do other things. From what she remembered he’d been spectacularly good at those other things and he hadn’t exactly complained about her skills either.

Did she have the courage to tell him what she now quite desperately wanted, she wondered, her heart beginning to pound with excitement as her stomach churned nervously. Once upon a time she wouldn’t have hesitated, but now... On the other hand, while she had been scarred by what had happened to her, it didn’t have to define her going forward, did it?

So how hard would it be to go to Finn and tell him what she wanted? All it would take was guts, and heaven knew she had plenty of those. If she tried her hardest and he still sent her away, if she’d read too much into things and got completely the wrong end of the stick, then so be it. After everything she’d been through she could handle a spot of mortification. She could handle anything.

Cursing himself for what he’d revealed, and deeply regretting his momentary loss of control, Finn stormed into his room and slammed the door. If only Georgie had backed off and left him to stew. Instead she’d pushed and prodded and told him to have it his way, which was an absolute joke since his way involved her being horizontal in his bed, sighing and gasping beneath his hands and mouth, a scenario that wasn’t going to happen. As if that wasn’t enough she’d then leaned back and lifted her legs to tuck them under her, a movement that made the fabric of her tiny T-shirt tighten enticingly against her breasts, and he’d lost it, any hope he might have had of making it out of there with his pride intact history.

His movements jerky, Finn yanked his T-shirt over his head and tossed it on the bed, only to spin round at the sound of his bedroom door opening. Georgie stood there, silhouetted in the space, and as a bolt of desire shot through him, nearly taking out his knees, he swore beneath his breath.

He should have known she wouldn’t let his parting shot go. He should have known she’d follow him. That perhaps he subconsciously had known and had wanted her to do so, so that they might continue where they’d left off that first night she’d barged into his room, wasn’t something he wanted to contemplate ever. Because if that did turn out to be the case it would mean his attempts to get a grip on his unpredictable behaviour had utterly failed.

‘What is it with you and knocking?’ he said, practically at the end of his tether with his inability to control the futile attraction he felt for her.


She stepped forward into the light, into his territory, and he saw that she didn’t look sorry. She didn’t look sorry in the slightest. ‘What do you want?’

‘To continue our conversation.’

‘We’re done.’

‘I don’t think we are.’

Before he could even think about striding past her and getting the hell out of his room, with its huge bed squatting there like some giant neon sign advertising sex, she’d walked towards him and planted her palms flat on his chest.

‘What are you doing?’ he said, every muscle in his body freezing while he burned where she touched him.

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