Secrets of a Prince (The Princes of New Sargasso #3) - Carol Moncado Page 0,8

talk to each other.”

“That sounds like a good plan. Meantime, this has interrupted my plans for the day. I have a meeting I can’t postpone coming up in a few minutes.”

Joss stood as his father did.

“However, don’t think this means you and I won’t have a much longer conversation about responsibilities and discretion and choices that have long term consequences.” His father gave Joss a stern glare. “I remember being young, but that doesn’t excuse poor choices.”

Feeling properly chastised, Joss nodded his head. “Yes, sir.”

His father went out the side door to his working office while Joss went out the main door and started for his office before changing his mind. Instead of going where he’d possibly run into his brother and new sister-in-law, Joss decided to return to his apartment by going the back way.

He saw no one, as was his plan.

As he flopped onto his bed, sadness once more settled around him like a cloak, and he grieved the child he’d never know.


Every time Minnie returned to the palace, she felt like she needed a shower. The amount of money her father insisted on asking for this time still bordered on obscene, but at least it was less than where they’d started.

She walked through the corridors unescorted, though she was under no illusions that she wasn’t being watched. Cameras likely followed her every step of the way.

As she neared a corner, someone else came around it.

“I’m sorry.” Lady RoseMarie’s words were out of her mouth before she even looked up.

“Watch where you’re going.” The sneer in her own voice sickened Minnie, but she was already in her palace character. If she broke it, she’d never be able to accomplish what her father wanted her to.

Rosie tilted her head toward Minnie. “My apologies. I should have been paying more attention. I was double checking something for an email to the queen.”

Minnie glanced down the other hallway. “Were you coming from the private quarters?” Odd.

“I had a meeting in another part of the building. I wasn’t anywhere I wasn’t allowed to be.”

The wording seemed off, but Minnie couldn’t put her finger on why.

“I did want to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. You’ve been in my prayers.”

“Thanks.” What did Rosie want? Was she trying to butter Minnie up for some reason?

“I don’t know how I might be able to help, but if there’s anything I can do, please let me know.”

The kindness in Rosie’s voice and the tears filling the other woman’s eyes were almost enough to make Minnie cry, too. “Thank you.” She hoped it sounded sincere and not snarky. She didn’t mean it to be snarky. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting with the king.”

Rosie simply nodded as Minnie went on her way.

Sitting in the anteroom outside the king’s public office, Minnie found herself grateful for the box of tissue on the small table next to her seat. She’d managed to destroy two between wiping her tears and nervous twisting. She was working on the third when she was told the time had come for her to see the king and Joss.

After a curtsy toward the king, she took the same seat she’d been in each time. In every meeting, they were both kind and sympathetic. Joss looked pale and drawn the first couple of times she’d returned. Somehow, earlier on, Minnie had convinced herself he’d be grateful for the miscarriage.

Those visits told her nothing could be farther from the truth. Though it might be for the best in many ways, he felt the loss as much as she did.

Plus, he likely felt her betrayal, as well. If she ever had a chance to really talk to him, maybe she could explain.

“Are you feeling all right, Lady Waterford?”

Minnie was certain the king’s concern was genuine. “I would like to take your first offer, sir.”

The king leaned back in his chair, studying her. “The first counter offer I made the second day you were here?” he clarified.

She nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“That is considerably less than your last offer. It’s even a fair bit less than my last offer.”

“I know. I believe that first offer to be fair compensation for pain and suffering.”

Her father was going to be furious. At least she wouldn’t be going home for several days.

“You are absolutely certain?” he pressed.

Minnie glanced toward Joss who wasn’t looking at her. “Yes.”

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