Secrets at the Loch (Loch Lannick #5) - Hannah Ellis Page 0,82

Isla said, leaning into him.

“That one question might have won us the quiz.” He laughed and wrapped Isla in a hug. “You weren’t much better either, so it’s a bit cheeky to tease me.”

“Well done!” Nick said as he handed their drink vouchers over.

“I’ll need to save mine for another night,” Meghan said, swaying slightly and stumbling into Nick. “I’ve had enough to drink.”

“One more celebratory drink,” Logan said. “It’s Saturday night after all.”

“Okay. Just one more,” Meghan said, slurring her words a little. “Will the quizmaster be staying for a drink?” she asked.

“I’m going to head home,” Nick said, giving her arm an affectionate pat.

Lexie got drinks for the winning team. They made their way back across the pub to sit back down.

“Are you sure you don’t want a drink?” Lexie asked Nick.

“Definitely not.”

“You’re in a bad mood with me?” she asked quietly as she moved over to him.

“Yes.” He collected up his papers and shoved them in his backpack.

“What did I do?”

“I would have thought that was obvious. You’ve been shooting daggers at Meghan all night when she’s never done anything to you.” His voice was getting steadily louder, and Lexie glanced around to check no one was listening before replying.

“She flirts with you all the time.”

Nick screwed his nose up. “No, she doesn’t. And even if she did, as far as she’s concerned I’m single, which is apparently what you want everyone to think.”

“What?” Lexie swallowed the lump in her throat.

“Let’s not argue here,” Nick said, pulling his backpack onto his shoulder and setting off across the pub. Lexie watched as a couple of people thanked him for the quiz on his way out.

“Has Nick left already?” Mary asked as she approached Lexie. “I expected him to take advantage of the free drinks.”

Lexie glanced around the room, catching sight of Leana stopping to chat to her family as she collected glasses. Their whole table was in hysterics. They were all so drunk they found everything funny.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” Lexie said and hurried across the pub. Nick was taking his jacket from the coat stand in the entranceway.

“Can I come to yours when I finish here?” Lexie asked. “We can talk properly then.”

“Talk about what?” he asked as he opened the door. “I’m a bit sick of having the same conversation. If you really want to talk, you could go back in there and tell your friends about us.”

“I’m going to tell them,” she said, following him outside.

“Yeah, I know. When you find the right time.” He turned and looked her right in the eyes. “Except there won’t ever be a right time, will there?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means, I get the feeling you’re embarrassed by me.”

Her throat tightened and she shook her head. “That’s not true.”

“It is.” His features softened and he just looked sad. “I know you think I’m geeky and awkward. That’s not exactly news.”

“I’ve never said that.”

“Yes. You have. Maybe not to my face, but you’ve said it plenty of times behind my back, loud enough for me to hear.”

“Nick.” She grabbed his arm. “That was before.”

“Just tell your friends,” he said, pleadingly. “I’m done with all the sneaking around. I don’t want this.”

“So what are you saying?”

He looked at her sadly. “I’m saying you should tell them. Please.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Let’s just talk tomorrow,” Nick said. “I’m tired.”

“Tired of me?” She could hear how needy she sounded, but she didn’t want to leave things as they were. If he was breaking up with her, she’d rather know than spend all night wondering.

“Are you giving me an ultimatum?” she asked when he didn’t reply. “What happens if I don’t tell them? Are we over?”

His shoulders scrunched up. “I don’t understand what the issue is here. Just tell them.” Pulling out of her grasp, he strode away from her. She called out to him but he didn’t even glance back.

Chapter Thirty-Six

“I told Leana she could finish early,” Mary told Lexie when she went back inside the pub. “You can join your friends too if you want.”

Lexie glanced across at the lively group in the table by the window. “I’m okay,” she said and got on with loading the dishwasher.

“Is everything all right?” Mary asked.

Lexie nodded but didn’t look up at her mum. She got on with work and tried to block out everything else.

“Did you fall out with Nick?” Mary asked when Lexie paused from wiping down the bar. The pub had almost cleared out. There was only the rowdy group Copyright 2016 - 2024