Secrets at the Loch (Loch Lannick #5) - Hannah Ellis Page 0,74

job-hunting in London when Gran passed away. I’ve managed to get a few freelance jobs online to tide me over. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do.” She gulped at the beer, which went down quickly.

“You really were thirsty,” Lexie remarked.

“I spent all day sorting through papers. I’ve definitely earned this.”

Lexie smiled, then moved away when her phone vibrated in her pocket.

“Sorry,” Nick said when she answered. “I ended up on the phone to my dad for ages so I’m only getting to my lesson plans now. Do you mind if I see you tomorrow evening instead?”

“That’s fine,” she said with a pang of guilt. She probably would mind if it weren’t for Meghan sitting at the bar.

“Thanks,” he said.

Lexie hovered outside the door to the kitchen. “How’s your mum?”

“Okay. Dad’s a bit stressed. I’m going to go back at the weekend and see if I can help out.”

Selfishly, all Lexie could think was that meant she wouldn’t see him all weekend. She quashed that thought.

“That’s a good idea. Are you okay? You sound tired.”

“I feel like I’m getting a cold. I’m probably a bit rundown. I seem to be running from one thing to the next recently.”

“You should get some rest,” she said.

“I’m going to have an early night. You’re not working tomorrow evening, are you?”

“No, just a day shift.”

“Great. Do you want to come over to my place for dinner after you finish work?”

Her lips spread to a wide smile. “That sounds great.”

“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You’re amazing,” Nick said when Lexie walked into his kitchen the following evening with takeaway boxes from the pub. He’d messaged when he was leaving work and she’d volunteered to bring food.

“Are you okay?” She put a hand on his cheek, taking in his pale complexion before giving him a lingering kiss.

“Aye. It’s just been a busy week.”

Lexie got plates out and emptied the fish and chips onto them. “When will you go to Fort William?” she asked as they sat down together.

“I’ll go straight after work tomorrow. Come back Sunday afternoon.”

Lexie gave him a brief smile, then tucked into her dinner to distract her from the disappointment she felt. It was completely selfish. Of course he wanted to get back and see how his mum was doing. And Lexie had even suggested he spend his weekends back there. But she’d been hoping he might spend Friday evening with her, then drive back on Saturday.

“I take it you haven’t told anyone about us?” he asked after a few minutes. “I keep expecting a phone call from Elspeth that damages my eardrums.”

Lexie managed a smile, but thought it was a little too close to the truth. When Elspeth found out about them she’d definitely have a lot to say about it. “I haven’t told them yet,” she said before they descended into silence to finish eating.

“There’s a new documentary I’ve been wanting to watch,” Nick said while he cleared the plates away. “Do you feel like cuddling up on the couch with me?”

Not long ago she’d have rolled her eyes at the mere mention of watching a documentary, but now all she cared about was snuggling up to Nick. She really didn’t care what they watched.

“Okay.” She draped her arms around Nick’s shoulders when he walked over and kissed her. “Have you tested the fireplace out yet?”

His eyes sparkled. “No. Good idea.”

“What’s the documentary you’re making me watch?” Her voice was full of teasing as she ran her fingers through his hair.

“I think you’ll like it.” He took her hand and led her into the living room. “It’s about wolverines.”

Lexie sank onto the couch and pulled her legs under her. “X-Men?” she asked. It would definitely be better than watching a documentary, but she was surprised at Nick suggesting it.

Crouching by the fireplace, he turned and looked as confused as she felt. “No, it’s a documentary about wolverines.”

“Hugh Jackman?”

He squinted in confusion. “Since when does he do nature documentaries?”

“I don’t think he does. But he’s Wolverine.”

“I was talking about the animal …”

“Sometimes your humour goes right over my head. I don’t understand the joke.”

He stacked a couple of logs in the fireplace, then lit a firelighter under them. “I’m not joking,” he said as he joined Lexie on the couch. “You know wolverines are an animal, right? It’s not just the name of a fictional character.”

“Erm …” She studied his face as he pushed buttons on the TV remote. He looked pretty serious, and she suddenly felt like a complete idiot. Copyright 2016 - 2024