Secrets at the Loch (Loch Lannick #5) - Hannah Ellis Page 0,68

if I finish? Nick’s home and I want to go and see what he thinks of all the work Logan’s done on the house.”

“I suppose so.”

Her smile stretched even wider. “And is it okay if I swipe a box of wine glasses for a house-warming present?”

“Go on then,” he said with a sigh.

“Take a bottle of wine too,” Mary put in.

“Thanks!” She hurried down to the cellar, then set off to Nick’s house.

With her hands full, she couldn’t manage to knock, but pushed the door handle down with her elbow and shouted hello as she walked in.

“I’m in the living room,” Nick called back. After depositing the wine and glasses on the counter, she followed the sound of his voice.

“What do you think?” she asked, taking in his blank expression as he stood in the middle of the room.

“Have you seen the deck?” he asked.

“Aye. It’s amazing.”

Nick ran a hand through his hair and scratched the back of his head. “I can’t believe Logan did all this. I was really rude to him on the phone.”

“Some of the guys who teach the construction course at the college volunteered to help. And I think Logan quite likes a project.”

Sinking onto the couch, Nick buried his face in his hands.

“Don’t you like it?” Lexie asked, perching beside him.

He looked at her in earnest. “I love it. I’m just a bit embarrassed that they did all this for me.”

“People around here think very highly of you,” she said with a small smile. Moving closer to him, she pulled his face to hers, closing her eyes as she kissed him.

He sighed when they broke apart. “Now it just feels like I’m dreaming. Two weeks ago my house was a disaster zone and my love life was in a similar state. Now everything’s perfect.”

“Logan’s worried he did too much and you won’t like it.”

“I just can’t believe he went to so much effort.”

They were interrupted by a knock at the door.

“That’ll be Elspeth,” Nick said, standing. “I messaged her to say I was back. I really need to call Logan. Or I should probably go over there and thank him in person.”

When he opened the door, Logan was on the doorstep with Elspeth.

“Welcome home!” Elspeth flung herself at Nick and squeezed him hard. “What do you think of the house?”

“I can’t believe it.” He turned to Logan as Elspeth released him. “I was just going to come over to see you.”

“The girls kept insisting it would be a good surprise,” Logan said, looking slightly sheepish. “But I was a bit worried I’ve taken over and done too much. I stuck to what we’d discussed but if there’s anything you want to change …”

“It’s perfect,” Nick jumped in. “Thanks so much.” He extended his hand.

“That’s a relief,” Logan said as he shook it. “The guys from the college were really keen to help so I figured I may as well get as much done as possible while I had volunteers. Rory’s been around this week too so he helped out. And Alasdair,” he added with a slight eye roll.

Elspeth cleared her throat. “I helped as well. And Isla and Leana.”

“Thank you,” Nick said. “It’s so great not to have to worry about the house any more.”

“How’s your mum doing?” Logan asked.

“She’s okay, thanks. Improving every day.”

“That’s great news,” Logan said.

Elspeth flashed Lexie a puzzled look. “What are you doing here?”

“I brought wine glasses for a house-warming gift.”

“Did you take them from the pub?” Elspeth asked as she peered in the box on the kitchen table.

“Of course.” Lexie moved beside her and began removing the glasses. “Who wants a drink?”

“I wish,” Elspeth said. “I’ve left Arran with Isla and she’s in a bad mood. I’ll be in trouble if I don’t get straight back.” She turned on her heel and smiled at Nick. “Arran’s desperate to see you. Rory went back to Edinburgh this morning and the only thing that cheered Arran up was telling him you were coming back again.”

“I’ll call in and see him soon,” Nick said.

“Can you come for dinner tomorrow? Meghan’s coming over and she’s been asking after you too.”

“That’s nice.”

“I think she has a crush on you,” Elspeth said in a silly voice.

Nick laughed. “I don’t think she has, but I hope you told her I’m not interested anyway.”

“Why? She’s lovely. You two would be perfect for each other.”

“Watch out,” Logan said. “Elspeth’s on a matchmaking mission.”

“Well, winter’s boring,” she declared. “I’ve got to keep myself entertained somehow.”

Lexie avoided eye contact when Copyright 2016 - 2024