Secrets at the Loch (Loch Lannick #5) - Hannah Ellis Page 0,56

had caused her some niggling worry. It was hard to imagine not having him around.

“I guess I have some grovelling to do,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“I snapped at Elspeth on the phone. And I wasn’t overly polite with Logan. He probably won’t be so keen to help me with the kitchen any more.”

Lexie stopped and stared at him.

“What?” he asked.

“Logan already fitted your kitchen.”

Nick squinted in confusion. “He asked me about it and I told him not to bother. I said I didn’t give a damn about the kitchen and hung up on him.”

“I saw them in the pub. Elspeth said you’d snapped at her, but Logan said you’d been fine with him and he was going to get the kitchen organised before you got back.”

“I wasn’t fine with him! I was really rude. And Logan never liked me much anyway. He wouldn’t fit my kitchen out of the goodness of his heart.”

“He probably would, to be fair. Logan’s a good guy.” She smiled sadly. “Plus, he lost both his parents – if he thought you were stressed because your mum was ill he’d be sympathetic.”

Nick’s eyes widened. “You really think he fitted the kitchen?”

“I know he did. I walked past and saw him working on it. He asked some guy to help. He teaches the construction course at the college. Apparently he knows you and was happy to help.”

“Probably Larry,” he said. “Nice guy. I can’t believe Logan fitted the kitchen.” They continued walking and Nick shook his head at regular intervals. “I’ll have to call Logan. I messaged Elspeth the other day, but she didn’t say anything about the kitchen.”

“Maybe it’s a surprise,” Lexie said. “Don’t say anything, just in case.” Actually, she was more concerned that if he mentioned he’d heard it from her, she was going to end up fielding a lot of questions about why she was in Fort William. Apart from her parents, everyone else thought she was visiting her grandad. Maybe she should tell Nick not to mention it, but he might think she was embarrassed that she was visiting him. Hopefully the subject wouldn’t come up when he spoke to anyone in Lannick. She’d think of a way to tell Leana and Elspeth herself when she got back.

“Sorry for the awful day out,” she said when they reached the front door at the holiday apartment.

“It wasn’t awful,” Nick said.

“Not exactly a laugh-a-minute though, was it?”

“No.” He smiled gently. “But we survived. I need to go and shower and check on things at home, but I can bring you some food later, if you want?”

“You don’t need to do that.” She turned the key in the lock. “I’m okay.”

“Have you got food?”

She thought for a moment. “No, but I’ll figure something out.”

“Once you get out of your boots, do you think you’ll be able to face putting shoes on again and walking into town?”

She pretended to mull it over. “No! I don’t suppose I will.”

“I’ll bring you something. It’s no trouble.”

She stared at him for a moment, studying his features.

“What’s that look for?”

She shook her head, unable to tell him what she was thinking. It would be easier just to kiss him, but considering how he’d reacted the last time she thought better of it.

“I’ll see you later,” she said, stepping inside and shifting her thoughts to her next few movements – taking the bloody awful boots off would be lovely, and soaking in the bath absolute bliss.

Chapter Twenty-Six

“I think it’s vegetable lasagne,” Nick said, holding up a Tupperware box when Lexie opened the door to him.

After a long soak, she’d got into her pyjamas and collapsed on the couch. It was an effort to get up again to let Nick in.

“Mum’s friends keep dropping food over,” he explained as he followed her. “The fridge is full. Most of them are labelled, but I thought I’d go for this mystery box.”

“Don’t your parents want it?”

“They’ve got too much. Dad’s also quite offended that everyone assumes he can’t cook.”

“They probably just want to find something useful to do.” Lexie hobbled to the couch and lay back down.

“Are you okay?” Nick crouched beside her and inspected her feet.

“I’m fine.” She flicked her foot as though to kick him, and he moved away with a grin.

“Are you hungry? This just needs heating up.”

“I’ll do it in a bit.” She wasn’t sure if he was staying to eat with her or if he was just dropping it off. She hoped he wouldn’t rush off.

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