Secrets at the Loch (Loch Lannick #5) - Hannah Ellis Page 0,44

wasn’t that much older than Lexie, but the way he was dressed and his mannerisms made him seem older. “Can I interest you in a tour?” He rubbed his hands together and beamed at her. “It’s about to start.”

“Erm …” She glanced around, not seeing any sign of a tour group. “I was just leaving. I think I’ve seen everything.”

He shook his head. “I didn’t notice you come in, otherwise I’d have offered earlier. I was on a quick break while it was quiet.” He chuckled and his cheeks pinked. “You should’ve made more noise!”

Lexie took a few discreet steps towards the door.

“How about the quick tour? I can fill in the bits you might’ve missed.”

She forced a polite smile. “I really should be going.”

He held his hands up and let out a long sigh. “Of course. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be pushy. My wife is always telling me not to come on so strong. I’m a history buff, you see. I’ve got all this information in my head and I need to get it out.” He gesticulated as he spoke and his jolly demeanour put her at ease.

“I suppose I’ve got a bit of time,” she said.

“Let’s start with the Jacobite uprising and go from there,” he said as he led her back the way she’d come. Hearing about the history of the area from someone so enthusiastic was a completely different experience to strolling around the place, reading the information at random. A lot of the things he told her she already knew, but he was so animated that she got caught up in it all. An hour flew by.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I told you I’d give you the short version and I’ve just waffled away.”

“I enjoyed it,” Lexie said as they moved back in the direction of the gift shop.

“Jonathan!” the older lady at the till called. “Watch the shop while I nip out for half an hour, will you?”

He took her spot behind the counter. “I hope you enjoyed the museum,” he said to Lexie.

“I really did! You’re a great tour guide.”

“It’s a shame the weather’s so bleak today.” He set his gaze out of the window. “How about a coffee before you go? It’ll keep you warm on the way home.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

“You watch the shop for a minute! I’ll be right back.” He disappeared into a room at the back of the shop, leaving Lexie hoping no customers came in. Thankfully, he was back before she knew it, holding two mismatched mugs.

“Thank you,” she said as they stood together by the counter. “You really cheered me up.”

“My pleasure.”

She tipped her head to one side. “You remind me of a friend of mine.” Not long ago, she’d have rolled her eyes at someone like Jonathan and declared them to be a nerd and utterly boring. Spending time with Nick must have softened her outlook toward geeks.

“He must be a handsome fella,” Jonathan quipped.

Lexie laughed again. It was exactly the kind of terrible joke that Nick would come out with, though she’d argue Nick at least had better comedic timing. Wow, she’d managed to go almost an hour without thinking about him, but now he was occupying her every thought again.

“Well?” Jonathan said. “Is he?”

“Is he what?”

“Is he a looker? This friend of yours?”

She smiled lightly. “He’s not my usual type. But yes, I think he’s cute. He kind of grows on you, you know?”

“They’re the best kind I think. And does he feel the same?”

“Does he think I’m a looker?” she said jokily.

“No! I mean does he like you as much as you like him? Your eyes have gone all dreamy when you talk about him.”

“He used to.” She paused and sipped her coffee. “I messed it up.”

“The sort of mess you can clean up?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure what to do. I was hoping that getting away from home for a few days might make things clearer, but I’m probably more confused now.”

“These things usually sort themselves out,” he mused. “Shall I tell you what I’d do?” he said, suddenly animated again.

“What?” she asked, amused.

“Ask Ben?”

“Who’s Ben?”

“Ben Nevis! I’ve never had a problem that couldn’t be solved by marching up the mountain and sitting at the top looking down on everything. The air’s better up there. Everything’s clearer.” He grinned. “If the conditions are right anyway. Today you’d be lost in a cloud! At this time of year, it’s not actually a good idea to go all the way up, but Copyright 2016 - 2024