The Secrets of Lake Road - Karen Katchur Page 0,85

I had to do was show up?” Kevin didn’t wait for Billy to reply. Instead he turned and marched back the way he came, arms pumping at his sides. He overheard Eddie ask Billy, “What’s wrong with him?”

Eddie’s cabin was only a few feet away. It wasn’t like he had to walk miles. But still. Still. He stomped inside and yanked open the refrigerator door. He pulled out cold cuts and a couple of beers. Fuck it, if Eddie’s dad noticed he was missing a few cans. He threw the sandwiches together and tossed everything into a small cooler. On his way out the door, he grabbed Eddie’s tackle box and an extra fishing pole. Maybe he was overreacting, but Billy had a way of making him do things he didn’t want to do. Billy made him feel every bit the chump.

He returned to the boat, stashed the gear, and untied the lines from the dock. When they were well on their way to the far end of the lake and miles from the beach, for a moment, a fraction of a second, he thought about pushing Billy overboard and drowning him.


Caroline walked out of the Pavilion and into the lot where the tents were being constructed. She took two or three steps before she noticed Adam and his mother approaching. His mother had her hand gripped tightly around Adam’s arm, dragging him through the crowd of men and women blocking their path.

Caroline stopped and waited for whatever was coming. By the look on Adam’s face, it wasn’t good.

“I suppose this was your harebrained idea,” his mother said.

Caroline glared at Adam. He kept his eyes on his dried muddy sneakers. “She figured it out. What was I supposed to do?” he mumbled.

His mother continued. “Sneaking out and releasing those snappers.”

“Yes, ma’am. It was all my idea,” Caroline said, and Adam’s head snapped up. He stared at her.

“Do your parents know about this?” his mother asked.

“Yes, ma’am.”

The sheriff’s vehicle rolled to a stop a few feet from where they were standing.

“Well,” his mother said, “here comes Sheriff Borg now. Do you want to tell him or shall I?”

“I’d rather if neither one of us said anything,” Caroline said.

“I’m sure you would, but I’m not the only one who’s going to pay a fine because you two knuckleheads did something stupid.”

The sheriff stepped from his car. After placing his hat on his head, he walked toward them. He tipped his hat at Adam’s mother and said to Caroline, “How’s your grandmother doing?”

“She’s better.” Caroline avoided his eyes.

“Glad to hear it,” he said, and glanced out at the lake before settling his gaze on the three of them.

Caroline didn’t say anything more, waiting for Adam’s mother to turn them in. But she said nothing. The sheriff tipped his hat again and headed in the direction of the docks, where Stimpy and his men were finishing setting up the large tent that would become the control center for the tournament.

Caroline and Adam exchanged awkward glances.

“Well,” his mother said, “maybe he’s forgotten all about it with everything else going on.” She motioned to the festival and then the recovery team on the lake. “I suspect it’s because they’re still searching.” She waved her finger at them. “You won’t be so lucky if there’s a next time. Do you hear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Caroline said.

Adam’s mother grabbed his arm again. “And one more thing,” she said to Caroline. “I’d appreciate it if you two would stop all this wild talk about that horse’s bit and that stupid lake legend.”

Adam’s face was flushed. “It’s not her fault, Mom,” he said.

Caroline wondered what Adam had said to her. She didn’t understand why his mother was so worked up. Unless … “Ma’am, do you believe in the legend?”

His mother hesitated. “I suppose when I was a kid, I did. And I understand why you kids find it fascinating. Finding that metal bit is like discovering buried treasure. I understand that, too. But the whole thing is giving him nightmares.”

“Mom,” Adam protested.

His mother continued. “I think it’s best if you two just stopped talking about it altogether. In fact, maybe it’s best if you two just stayed away from each other for awhile,” she said to Caroline.

The look in Adam’s eyes said he was sorry. His mother held onto his arm and marched him into the Pavilion.

* * *

Caroline walked with her head down, kicking up pebbles and dust as she made her way across the lot. She didn’t know Adam Copyright 2016 - 2024