The Secrets of Lake Road - Karen Katchur Page 0,107

rushed in behind her. Caroline’s sneakers were covered in mud and her arms and legs were marred with scratches. Her face was pale and she was breathing hard.

Jo was about to ask her daughter if she was messing with Stimpy’s traps again when Caroline threw herself into Jo’s arms and said, “I found Sara’s body.”


It was close to three a.m., the dead hour. The Pavilion and bar had closed. Most of the lake community were tucked safely in their beds fast asleep, unaware of the news.

Caroline stood on the beach next to her friends. Their parents stood behind them. Mr. Roberts put his hand on Megan’s shoulder. Mrs. Roberts bent her head toward Caroline’s mother and murmured something about the emotional state of the drowned little girl’s mother.

“She’s in good hands,” Caroline’s mother assured her.

Cougar lay down near Adam’s feet. The dog chomped happily on a piece of beef jerky. Since it was Cougar who found the little girl, the dog became a celebrity of sorts with the parents stopping to pat his head.

While their group waited for the underwater recovery team’s watercraft to return with the body, Sheriff Borg peppered Caroline and the other kids with questions about what they were doing at the other end of the lake so late at night, and what was Stimpy’s dog doing with them?

The twins explained they had been searching for Adam’s fishing hole when Cougar found her. Adam mumbled something about his secret spot no longer being secret.

“And the dog?” the sheriff asked just as Stimpy approached from the pier.

Caroline opened her mouth, willing to take full responsibility, but Stimpy spoke up before she had a chance. He assured the sheriff he wasn’t interested in pressing charges, although he was quite certain the kids not only stole his dog, but also released the snappers from his traps.

Caroline didn’t believe Stimpy was letting them off easy because it was the right thing to do. No, he simply didn’t want to look like the bad guy in front of their parents, who also happened to be paying customers.

Seizing the opportunity to get Cougar away from Stimpy once and for all, she said, “The dog should go to Adam.” She glanced at Adam’s mother, who didn’t object. “You don’t even take care of him,” she said to Stimpy. “He’s tied up all day and night. He’s neglected and it’s cruel.”

“The law protects animals, too,” Caroline’s mother said, jumping in and sticking up for her. “Isn’t that right, Sheriff?”

“That’s right,” the sheriff said.

“Why, you little—” Stimpy was cut-off when Heil appeared behind him and put his hand on his shoulder.

“Under the circumstances,” Heil said, “what harm is there in letting the boy have the dog?” He made sure to look at each and every one of the kids as he spoke, his beady eyes roaming their guilty faces.

“Big of you,” Caroline’s mother said.

Caroline elbowed her. She didn’t want her mother to make matters worse. It was no secret neither Stimpy nor Heil were friends of her family nor did the men give any indication that they’d like to be. Heil could easily tell Stimpy to press charges, to take the dog back, and the man would listen. Heil made the rules at the lake. He would always make the rules, whether anyone liked it or not.

Stimpy grumbled but was otherwise willing to let the dog go under Heil’s orders.

“Can I keep him, Mom?” Adam asked.

“I don’t see why not,” his mother said.

Adam hugged Cougar tightly.

They turned their attention toward the lake as the recovery team’s watercraft slowly made its way to the pier.

Heil walked away from the group, directing Stimpy to open the two large gates that lead to the beach. The SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK sign rattled against the chain-link fence as though it were saying, I told you so.

The kids and parents parted as the coroner’s vehicle backed onto the sand. Two men hopped out, opened the back doors, and pulled out a stretcher.

Sara’s mother had been waiting at the pier. She released the most terrifying sound Caroline had ever heard. Caroline pinched her eyes closed and waited for the cry to end. She searched for comfort in the thought that at least Sara was finally with her mother. When she opened her eyes again, the men were loading Sara’s body into the back of the van. The vehicle rolled off the beach in a hushed silence until it reached the parking lot, where the gravel crackled under its tires. It Copyright 2016 - 2024