Secret Santa Surprise: Book 29 in the Kindred Tales Series - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,31

mind, do you?” Strong was pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace, where soothing gold and blue and green flames were crackling. He’d turned up the fire the minute they got in to set the mood.

“I don’t think so.” Clear was busy in the kitchen. He had gotten out all the ingredients he thought they would need—eggs, flour, sugar, butter, a can of the human vegetable called corn, and also one of lima beans. He frowned at the items piled on his counter. Was he forgetting anything? Oh yes—bacon! He reached for it just as their front door chimed softly.

“I’ll get it.” Strong hurried to the door and opened it to find Melanie standing outside.

“Hello, boys.” She swayed into the living area, a secretive little smile playing around the corners of her lush lips. She was wearing a black dress that wrapped around her and tied at the side, but the minute Strong shut the door, she reached for the bow and untied it.

Clear had come out into the living area by then, wiping his hands on a dish towel.

“Hello, Melanie,” he said pleasantly. “I think we have everything we need to make Christmas cookies but I’m not sure if I have enough bacon so—”

His words cut off abruptly as Melanie opened the black wrap dress she’d been wearing, exposing the sexiest outfit the Light Twin had ever seen.

“Um…uh…” he heard himself saying but he couldn’t seem to get his brain to work—all he could do was stare as Melanie draped the innocuous black dress over the back of the couch and posed in front of them with her hands on her hips.

The outfit was made of some sheer red fabric which was trimmed in soft white fur. There were vertical slits over both of Melanie’s full breasts but little white bows, strategically positioned over the points of her nipples, tied them closed to conceal her ripe mounds.

The hem of the garment, which was edged in the white fur material, fell to mid-thigh, and it was transparent enough that Clear could see that Melanie was wearing matching panties with it. The panties also had a vertical slit, tied closed with a white bow.

To add to the outfit, she was wearing tall black shoes with high heels. Clear and Strong had agreed that this human footwear was ridiculously impractical and yet somehow, it definitely added to a female’s sexual appeal. Why this was, neither one of them could understand, but it was definitely so.

“Well?” Melanie purred and did a slow twirl, allowing them to admire her lush, curvy body from all angles. “Are you boys ready to make some Christmas cookies with me?”


For a moment they just stood there, staring. Melanie did a slow turn and watched as their shock turned to awe and then to lust. Oh yes—they wanted her.

You want me but you can’t have me, boys, she thought, feeling sultry and sexy and naughty all at once.

Honestly, she probably never would have considered wearing the provocative outfit if she hadn’t been feeling so good and sexy and confident following the party. But that warm, bubbly feeling she’d gotten after drinking the punch had only grown stronger. So when she saw the naughty little outfit that Clear had gotten her, she’d decided on impulse to put it on and go over.

“Well?” she asked, when they had been staring at her for over a minute. “Are we going to make cookies or not?”

“Oh, uh…sure.” Clear recovered first. He nodded quickly. “Come into the kitchen—I laid out all the ingredients I think we’ll need.”

He started to go into the kitchen but Melanie stopped him with a hand on his broad shoulder.

“Wait a minute—aren’t you two overdressed for baking?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at them. Both twins were still wearing their uniforms, which they’d had on at the party.

“Are we?” Strong’s deep voice was hoarse and his eyes were roving over her body hungrily.

“I’m afraid so,” Melanie said. “You know, baking can be a messy business. How about if you two go put on your PJs and then we can get started.”

“Our ‘PJs’?” Clear asked, frowning.

“You know—you’re pajama bottoms. Your sleep trousers—whatever you want to call them.” Melanie made a shooing gesture. “Go on—go get changed and then meet me in the kitchen. I’m going to have a look at the ingredients.”

And she sashayed into the kitchen, letting her hips roll seductively without waiting to see if they would obey her or not.

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