Secret Santa Surprise: Book 29 in the Kindred Tales Series - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,21

box out on the front porch and let him pick them up that way,” Sonja suggested.

Melanie shook her head.

“He’s got it into his head that leaving them out might warp them—especially if they get rained on. Steven is very particular about his things. But honestly, I think picking up the records is just an excuse.”

“And excuse for what?” Sonja asked, snapping a Santa cookie in two and biting off its head.

“For bringing his young new girlfriend around so he can prove how happy he is now that we’re divorced,” Melanie said dryly. “He loves rubbing it in my face that she’s twelve years younger and thirty pounds thinner than me.”

“Two can play that game! You ought to bring Strong and Clear down with you and show him a thing or two!” Sonja said, her eyes flashing fiercely.

“Sonja, I’m not going to ask them to Christmas Dinner at my aunt’s house just to get back at my ex,” Melanie protested. “If I did something like that, I’d be sinking to Steve’s level.”

“Well, you can think that way if you want, but I’m not above bringing Sahran down to Earth with me and taking him around where I know my old boyfriend will be.” Sonja tossed her head. “You should have seen his eyes pop the first time I walked in on my man’s arm. I felt like a queen.” She preened, running one hand down her long braids. “And I looked like one too, if I do say so myself.”

Melanie couldn’t help laughing.

“Sonja, you are too much! I love how confident you are!”

She wished she could have some of that confidence herself. She remembered feeling young and fresh and full of life—ready to conquer the world, like her young friend. But somehow, in the years she’d spent with Steve, all those good feelings had leaked away, leaving her feeling old and used up.

And certainly not attractive enough to be with two young, virile warriors like Strong and Clear, whispered a nasty little voice that sounded like her ex.

Taking a deep breath, Melanie kicked the bad thoughts out of her mind house and locked the door firmly. She would not dwell on negative thoughts, she told herself. She was going to entertain only positive ideas.

“Have you gotten your present for your Secret Santa person yet?” she asked Sonja, determined to keep things upbeat.

“Yes! I hope they like it. Do you want to know what it is?” Sonja’s eyes were sparkling again.

“No, I don’t,” Melanie said firmly. “Nobody is supposed to know. We’re not even supposed to open the presents until Christmas day—you know that!”

She suspected that her supervisor—a kind older woman named Carol—had made that rule in order to avoid any hurt or jealous feelings. And also so that everyone—even people who were brand new to the Mother Ship and had no family aboard—would have at least one present to open on Christmas.

“Please! I’m opening mine the minute I get it back to my suite!” Sonja declared. “I can’t wait to see what naughty little gift my man got me.”

“So you’re sure that Sahran is your Secret Santa?” Melanie asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Positive.” Sonja’s face glowed. “I got him to admit it the other night, although he still won’t tell me what he got me.”

Melanie laughed.

“Well, whatever it is, it sounds like it’s better if you open it in private. So it’s a good thing Carol is making us bring the gifts home.”

“You’re probably right. I just hope I can hang onto my V card a little while longer after I see it,” Sonja said. “I will though—I want my wedding night to be special. But I just know I’m going to want to jump his bones the minute I rip open that package!”

“You only have a little longer to wait,” Melanie reminded her, smiling. “Just hang in there.”

“You hang in there too.” Sonja got up and dusted the crumbs off her lap. “Well, I’d better get going. I still have to wrap my gift.”

Melanie rose and gave her friend a hug.

“Thanks for coming. I appreciate your insight into this whole…” She waved a hand vaguely. “Thing.”

“This ‘whole thing’ is my specialty,” Sonja told her. “I just love matchmaking. Not that you need my help—I think you’re doing just fine by yourself.” She grinned.

“Yeah well, we’ll see,” Melanie said, smiling back. Again, she wished she could be as confident as Sonja. But despite her friend’s support, she still wasn’t exactly sure what to do.

She really liked Clear, and Strong was also incredibly Copyright 2016 - 2024