Secret Santa Surprise: Book 29 in the Kindred Tales Series - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,19

me too,” Melanie told them earnestly. “I, uh, certainly didn’t expect to wake up between the two of you, but it was really, um, nice.”

“Sleeping between us could be more than nice,” Strong growled softly, giving her that intense look again.

“Uh…” Melanie wasn’t sure what to say.

“Brother…” Clear said warningly. “You’re doing it again.”

“Forgive me.” Strong looked away. “It’s just that I never thought my brother and I would have the chance to sleep with such a lovely and accomplished Elite between us.”

“Thank you,” Melanie said awkwardly.

She was very aware that she was still in bed with the two huge warriors who were both half naked and she herself was wearing only the thin hospital gown. Also, Strong was looking at her like he was a hungry man with a sweet tooth and she was a rare and delectable dessert. That look made her heart pound and she was worried she might do something she would regret later.

“Um…where are my clothes?” she asked abruptly. “I mean, you did bring them from the Med Center, didn’t you?”

“Of course,” Clear told her. “They’re in the fresher. Here, come with me.”

He helped Melanie off the bed and led her to the bathroom which was positively huge.

“Wow—look at the size of your bathing pool!” Melanie exclaimed, seeing the steaming pool of water which took up 3/4ths of the room. “It’s way bigger than mine—you could practically do laps in that thing.”

“It’s bigger because it’s built for three,” Strong murmured, coming up behind her.

“All the furniture and accommodations in our suite are meant for three,” Clear said, sounding wistful.

“Oh, um…I see.” Melanie nodded.

“I won’t ask if you’d like to take a bath, because you already look uncomfortable,” Strong remarked. “But just know that if you ever would like to try our bathing pool, you would be welcome.”

“With or without Strong and I present—whichever you choose,” Clear added.

“Thank you.” Melanie nodded and smiled at both of them. “But I think for right now I’ll just get dressed, if that’s okay?”

“Perfectly fine,” Strong assured her. “Come, Brother—let’s give our guest some privacy.”

“Thank you,” Melanie said again, nodding at both of them as they left.

When the door slid shut behind them, she breathed a sigh of relief. Whew! How had she gotten into such an awkward situation?

And how in the world was she going to get out of it?


“So what happened then?” Sonja asked, wide-eyed. She was literally sitting on the edge of her seat, so much so that Melanie was afraid she was about to fall off the couch.

“Well, I got dressed and we all had breakfast.” She shrugged. “I think Clear must have said something to Strong because there were no more innuendoes or invitations to ‘make love’ or get Joined to them or anything like that. But he just kept looking at me—undressing me with his eyes, you know? I just…wasn’t sure how to feel about it.”

“Girl, I told you the Dark Twin is always the scary one!” Sonja exclaimed. “Didn’t I tell you?”

“You did,” Melanie admitted. “But I still wasn’t prepared for how he looked at me.”

“He wants you,” Sonja said decisively. “They both do.”

“Surely not.” Melanie shook her head. “I’m way too old for them! And they even said they’re too young and don’t, uh, have enough status for me.”

“That’s just Twin Kindred speak for ‘Girl, you’re a goddess—let me worship at your feet!’” Sonja assured her. “Don’t let it throw you off.”

“I don’t know…” Melanie shook her head. “This is all happening so fast—if it’s happening at all. I mean, I haven’t even been divorced from Steve a whole year yet.”

“That’s plenty long enough to move on and find yourself something better,” Sonja assured her. “Do you know that before Sahran, I dated the same boy since high school? Seriously, we were together all through college and I was sure I was going to walk down the aisle with him.”

“What happened?” Melanie asked, taking another sip of her tea. She had invited her friend to her suite to get ahead of the gossip mill and also to get Sonja’s advice. She knew a lot more about the Kindred than Melanie did.

“Well, he got tired of waiting for me to give up my V card and went off with some skank,” Sonja said candidly. “Now, to be fair, he had been waiting about four years. But still, I’m worth waiting for.” She tossed her long black braids and Melanie laughed.

“You certainly are. Good for you for not giving in.”

“I’ll give it up when Copyright 2016 - 2024