Secondary Characters (Novella) - By Rachel Schieffelbein Page 0,5

at their menus and saying nothing. We listen to the faint country music and other people having actual conversations around us.

I glance at Amber. She tips her chin down and away from the boys and cups her hand over her forehead, looking at me with wide eyes as if to say, “My God woman, say something!”

Nick’s phone buzzes on the table next to him. He picks it up and starts texting. Well, nice to know he has something to say to someone.

Lance stares at Nick for a second, then clears his throat and looks at us. “So, what movie do you guys want to see?”

“How about that new Sarah Jessica Parker one?” Amber says.

“Ugh. I can’t stand her,” Lance says, making a face.

I snort.

“What?” he asks, his head jerking up to look at me.

I shake my head and play with my straw, knocking around ice cubes. “Guys always hate her because she’s not ‘classically’ beautiful. She’s a perfectly good actress.”

He puts his elbow on the table and holds up one finger. “First of all, my problem with her has nothing to do with her looks. There’s something about her demeanor that makes me uncomfortable. She always looks pissed off.” He holds up another finger. “Second, I don’t think she is a good actress. She’s got like three facial expressions.” Lance raises a third finger. “And third, she has the face of a horse.” He doesn’t so much as smirk, but his eyes slide over to Nick.

Nick snorts into his Pepsi and then they both start laughing like it’s so freaking hilarious.

They’re so irritating and I know I can’t let Lance get the last word. “People tell me I look like her,” I say.

They don’t, but I’m hoping it will shut Lance up. It does. He chokes on his Mountain Dew, then stares at me, his mouth hanging open like a wide-mouthed frog. He’s even turning a little pink on the sides of his face. “But, but,” he stutters. “You don’t …”

That’s right. I hope you feel like a real ass.

Amber flips her hair over her shoulder. “People tell me I look like Reese Witherspoon,” she says, diffusing the moment and giving him an out. I could smack her.

He turns to her with relief written all over his face and grins at her like an idiot. “Now that is a comparison I could see.”

Of course it is.

The meal goes from awkward and uncomfortable to painfully torturous. I think it would be more fun to watch a public execution. Or have one. Okay, I’m exaggerating a little bit. (But not by much.)

It’s ridiculously obvious the date isn’t going well. Amber does her best to at least drag some small talk out of Nick.

“So, what’s your favorite class?”

“I don’t know.” Nick shrugs. His phone buzzes and he picks it up, texting someone under the table.

“What kind of movies do you like?”

“Whatever.” He’s still looking at the phone. He’s not even my date and I’m irritated. I want to reach over and smack his phone right out of his hand.

“Okay. What kind of music do you listen to?”

He glances up and around, like he’s looking for the source of the music in the restaurant. “Not country.” He makes a face then shoves a small pile of French fries into his mouth.


He sets the phone back down and gives Amber a big grin, but I for one no longer find it quite as dazzling. Amber seems unimpressed as well. She does not smile back.

“How about you? What do you listen to?” he asks, but then that stupid cell starts buzzing again and he quickly picks it up. He doesn’t even notice Amber rolling her eyes.

It turns out Nick’s kind of a big, incredibly handsome dud, and Amber starts spending far more time talking with Lance.

And he’s totally talking her up. I narrow my eyes at him and try to figure out if he’s trying to swoop in on his best friend’s date. What a scumbag.

Mike’s face flashes in my mind, with his stupid little goatee, and I quickly force it back out.

Do all guys suck? Or does being around Amber just bring out the stupid caveman in them?

Must. Have. Beautiful. Girl. Now.

Not that Nick’s any better, I guess. I seriously doubt Amber will be interested in either one of them. This whole evening has been a giant waste of time. Big shock.

“How’s everyone doing?” The waitress shows up to clear our plates and put an end to the dinner date from hell. “Is anyone wanting Copyright 2016 - 2024