Secondary Characters (Novella) - By Rachel Schieffelbein Page 0,2


All she’s been able to talk about is their date next Saturday night. With me and Lance as couple number two. Apparently Nick thought it would be fun to have another couple go along to dinner, you know, to “take the edge off.” And since she’s all googly-eyed infatuated, Amber agreed. Despite the fact that she knows Lance drives me crazy. And not in a good way.

I know she’s excited, and I’m happy for her, but I told her there is no way I’m going along.

She’s doing a wonderful job of completely ignoring me.

She rips her eyes away from the field, swatting at the gnats that gather under the lights before turning to me. “When halftime hits there’s going to be a humongous line for the bathroom. Let’s go now and avoid it. Okay?” She rubs her hands together. “We can get some hot chocolate, too.” It’s not as cold as it will be later in the season, but now that the sun’s gone down it’s cold enough.

I nod. “Let’s go.”

I’m wearing a big, warm sweater, but no coat. I didn’t even bring gloves because I’m an idiot and was fooled by the warmth of the afternoon. Considering I’ve lived here my whole life, I should know better.

The whole town is at the game: students, teachers, and families with little kids running around throwing footballs in the grass. We weave our way through them all, trying to make it back up to the school. It takes forever because pretty much everyone we pass hollers hello to Amber. They try to stop her and start up a conversation about the game or biology class or whatever. I swear, everyone wants to be her friend. Or her boyfriend.

They barely acknowledge me. A quick smile, maybe a hello, but that’s it.

After all, they’re basically trying to get my position as Amber’s BFF, like it’s a job they’re trying to land.

Amber deals with it well. She’s good at being nice and polite and all, and she’s quick about it. I would suck at that. It would make me want to scream at them to just leave me alone if I was her. It irritates me as it is.

We’re almost there when I hear a male voice behind us.

“Hey Amber, how’s it going?”

I groan. Can we please just make it to the bathroom? We turn around, and it’s Mike Ballard. I haven’t seen him in months. He looks basically the same, except he’s trying to grow out a goatee. It looks ridiculous, like a caterpillar hanging off his chin. He practically leers at Amber. He’s still infatuated with her, and it still makes me feel nauseated. I know I shouldn’t care anymore, but … why does she have to be so damn irresistible?

I take a small step behind her and look at the grass.

“Ugh. Go away, Mike,” Amber says and turns toward the school.

“Wait—” he starts.

Amber spins around and stops him. “Take a hint,” she snaps. “No one wants to talk to you. Now slither back from wherever you came from. Okay?” She turns and struts away.

I try to strut next to her, but I still feel about three feet high.

“Thanks,” I mutter, bumping my elbow into hers.

“Hey, that’s what friends are for.” She swings her arm around my shoulder and we head into the warmth of the school. I glance back at Mike, standing there like a kicked puppy, watching us.

I can’t believe I ever dated him.


We’re freaking killing Dover. The whole team is playing great, and I’ve been playing my ass off because I know Mabel is here. She and Amber are huddled together against the wind at the bottom of the hill, watching and cheering.

Don’t get me wrong, I always play hard, but tonight is different. I mean, I know Mabel comes to pretty much all the games, but now that we have the date planned for next weekend I can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, she’s watching me.

And that makes my heart pound and my limbs shake with adrenaline. Which is awesome for a defensive tackle. I throw all my extra energy into the game and beat the shit out of those losers from Dover. We crush them, forty-five to six. I’m busting with excitement and feel all jittery like I might just burst into a million pieces right here on the field.

I’m not the only one. All the guys are yelling, pounding each other on the back and talking about how great the game was. Finally, Coach tells Copyright 2016 - 2024