Secondary Characters (Novella) - By Rachel Schieffelbein Page 0,17

“Like, secondary characters, you know? Like they’re the leads and we’re just here for comic relief.”

It’s like he’s reading my mind. Wasn’t I just thinking the same thing a few hours ago? Like Amber is the main story and I’m just a side plot?

I think about that first date, and how much I didn’t want to go on it. How I thought he paled next to Nick. I feel a little guilty now.

“Is that why you’re always making stupid jokes at school?”

“Ouch,” he says, putting his hand to his heart. “You know, some people actually think I’m funny.”

“No they don’t.” I try to hold a straight face, but the corners of my mouth are fighting to turn up.

He just shakes his head and laughs. “Why do you always seem to have the upper hand with me?”

I raise my eyebrows and give him a smirk. “You didn’t answer the question.”

He looks down at his hands for a second, then back up at me. “Yeah, I guess that’s why,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “I have to find some way to get noticed, next to the class Adonis.” He smiles half-heartedly, pretending it doesn’t really bother him.

“The way I see it,” I say with a smile, leaning my shoulder closer to his, “the comic relief is always the best part of the show anyway. Right?”

He laughs and slides a little closer to me on the step. My heart does a backflip. His eyes are bright in the moonlight and his smile is amazing. Nick seriously has nothing on him.

“That’s right! I mean, look at Bridesmaids. Melissa McCarthy makes that show. She’s awesome. I don’t even know who the lead actress is.”

“Yeah, exactly! I mean, they’re always the same person anyway. Incredibly good looking, but all insecure like they have no idea everyone loves them.”

“Ah, I hate that,” he groans.

“And kinda boring,” I add with a shrug.

“Very boring.” He leans forward, tipping his head closer to mine.

“I’d way rather hang out with the comic relief.” I smile up at him, my heart beating a mile a minute. I slide a little bit closer. Our shoulders are pressed together and it’s like touching one of those balls that makes your hair stand up. Everything feels electrified.

Our eyes lock on each other and I’m hoping, praying, that he’ll lean in and kiss me.

Lance is so close my fingers are trembling and I can’t even breathe. I’m tempted to close the distance between us myself. I lean a little bit closer, my heart racing.

“Hey, there you are.” Amber’s voice kills the moment and Lance flinches, jerking away from me. I turn toward Amber. Nick stands behind her, his arm around her waist, and all I can think is “go away!”

“The movie’s over,” Nick says.

“Oh, okay.” Lance scrambles to his feet. I quickly stand up, too, putting some space between me and him. I feel like we’ve been caught, even though we weren’t actually doing anything. Yet.

“I should probably get home,” Amber says, pouty faced. “My mom doesn’t want me to stay out too late; we have a family thing in the morning.”

“Okay.” I nod, but I’m so disappointed I want to cry. Things were just getting interesting here!

Nick kisses her on the cheek. “I’ll see you Monday,” he says into her ear. She grins and looks about ready to float away. I, on the other hand, feel weighted down. Sandbags are tied to my arms and legs, making it difficult to walk away. I so don’t want to leave yet.

Lance is rubbing the back of his neck and staring at his feet. His ears look red. He glances up at me as Amber drags me away.

Amber and I head down to the street. I glance back over my shoulder at Lance. He’s watching us walk away and he looks too cute for words, his hands in his pockets as he rocks on his feet. It takes all my strength not to actually whimper.

“I’ll see you later,” he calls out with a quick wave.

“Yeah.” I lamely nod back. Real smooth Mabel.

Amber links her arm in mine and practically skips down the street. “So, did you have fun?” she asks as soon as we’re out of earshot.

I look at her fixed-on grin and slightly messy hair. “Not as much fun as you,” I say, jabbing her in the side. She laughs and squeals. The rest of the walk back to my house is filled with her telling me all about what a great kisser Nick Copyright 2016 - 2024