Secondary Characters (Novella) - By Rachel Schieffelbein Page 0,10

I say, and it’s no longer a struggle to repress a smile; he has effectively killed my sense of humor.

“Well,” he says, his voice low. He leans back in, totally ignoring my obvious irritation. “I was hoping you could convince her to give him another chance. Seriously, I don’t think I can stand his whining for another minute.” His blue eyes are all twinkly again and I find myself fighting not to smile back at him again.

“I don’t know. He was really pretty boring. And kind of a jerk.”

“What, you expect him to have looks and a personality?” He raises his eyebrows and I almost laugh.

“I’m just kidding,” he continues. “Look, Nick’s a really nice guy. The texting thing was not his fault.”

I’m ready to scoff but he stops me, resting his hand on my arm. I’m not sure if the spark I feel is from static electricity or my own imagination.

“Seriously,” he says. “It was his mom; she’s sort of a helicopter parent. Don’t tell Amber that, though. He was really embarrassed.”

I let out a sigh. I guess I can’t blame him for that.

“Maybe the four of us could get together at my place this weekend?” he asks, kicking the toe of his shoe against the floor. “It would be a little more relaxed setting. His mom wouldn’t keep texting if he was just at my place,” he says with a quick smile. “We could watch a movie or something. Not horror,” he adds, holding his hands up and grinning at me. “What do you say?”

I look up into his bright blue eyes. I hate myself for the way he causes butterflies to go crazy in my stomach.

“I’ll see what I can do,” I say with a sigh.

Dimples crease his cheeks, and my heart melts. How the hell did this happen?

He starts to walk away, but spins back and raises an eyebrow at me. “So, Aphrodite hooked up with mortals, too, huh?”


“So, like, incredibly funny football players with impeccable taste in movies?” he asks, gesturing to himself.

I laugh. “Only really hot ones.”

His head drops for a second in defeat, then he looks back up at me and scrunches up his nose. “So, I have no shot?”

Suddenly I’m not sure if we’re joking about Aphrodite, or if he’s hinting about Amber.

“I’m thinking no.”

“Oh well, a guy can dream.” He sort of laughs again, but looks a little embarrassed. He takes a few steps backward. “Thanks, by the way. You’re really helping me out.” Then he turns and walks down the hall.

I’m still trying hard to convince myself that I have no feelings for him, but I’m ashamed to say, I watch him walk away.

Chapter Six

I’m out for a jog Friday evening when I see her. She’s standing in the park, by the playground. Her hair is up in a high ponytail and she’s wearing ripped jeans and a sweatshirt. She looks cute as hell. I slow down. I could go and say hello.

I’m practically running in slow motion, staring at her. The sun is low and she looks gorgeous with the sunset behind her. The wind has messed up her hair and she keeps wiping it back out of her eyes. Suddenly she turns her head and sees me. Crap. She’s going to think I’m some kind of crazy stalker.

But to my surprise she smiles and waves. I pick up my pace and run over to her.

“Hey Lance, what are you up to?” The sound of my name on her lips drives me crazy and I struggle to keep my breathing even.

“Just a run. How about you?” I am suddenly very aware of the sweat dripping down my chest. I zip my sweatshirt up a little higher and pray that I don’t stink too much yet.

“I promised Sophie I’d take her to the park before it gets too cold.” She points at a little girl on the monkey bars. Her sister. She has Mabel’s same dark complexion and big, open smile. She’s hanging upside down by her knees and sees Maybie pointing at her. She gives me a wild, arms-flailing wave. “Hi!” she hollers. I laugh and wave back.

“It’s beautiful today,” I say, indicating the weather, although I’m staring at Mabel. I can’t help it. She’s looking up at me those big, dark eyes and I’m frozen. I swear a spaceship could land on the slide and an army of little green men could march out and I wouldn’t even notice.

“Yeah. I hope it stays nice for a while. I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024