Second Chance Mess (Bad News Billionaires #1) - Lucia Jordan Page 0,57

least every few seconds throughout the day. Now that we all seemed like a solid and unbreakable team, the three of us agreed that we would focus together on saving the Spokane project from mishap since it had been substantially neglected in the last few weeks.

Everyone at the company had done a great job of keeping it afloat, but without Max's final design touches and Brooke's publicity push, and without my communication to the client on our progress, we were in a little bit of danger of not pulling this off. All three of us had worked too hard and were too excited about the possibilities that this project would bring to let it go under. So we all dove in and got to work.

Max hopped right into the builds, which were almost finished, and added his craftsmanship that made each one of the container homes stand out. His touch was really what would sell the project and the company. Without it, the tiny homes looked like every other tiny home on the market.

Brooke got right to work online, using photos that she took herself of Max at work on the individual containers, and me amidst the progress at the production plants, and even some of the intricate details inside the homes that she used her hand showcasing the ring to add a personal touch to the photos. She was more than pleased not to use any of the pictures from the photo shoot to push online promotions and publicity opportunities for the project.

I immediately got on the phone with the client, and after a lengthy apology about my recent absence, I got right to telling them about the progress and the fact that we were on schedule for completion. The homes would be shipped in one week, and we would be flying out to Spokane for their big reveal.

All in all, we were able to pull the last-minute efforts of the project in with a tight rein, and everything looked like it would be a huge success.

After we managed the project, we then had Brooke's special tiny home added onto the main house in the mountains. It fit perfectly onto the left side of the house against the mountainside and made the house now an even more impressive model of a unique modular container home. The entire section became Brooke's studio wing that she retreated to throughout the day and night to enjoy, sometimes bringing me with her so that we could make love under the skylight on top of the violet bed. That bed really had started to grow on me a lot.

When the time came for us to fly out to Spokane and give the presentation, the client was exceedingly happy with how the homes had turned out, and we were given not only just a tour of the tiny home community that was being started there this year but also an additional contract to build more of the homes. My company was headed for a skyrocketing success.

On the flight home from Spokane, we talked about wedding plans and plans for the future of the company.

"I was thinking," I said to Max as the flight attendant brought us each a Bloody Mary. "I want to divide the company up between the three of us. I want to make us all equal CEO's."

"Are you serious?" Max asked. "You know I'm not much of a business guy. I left that corporate world a long time ago for a reason. I'm a craftsman, not a suit."

I laughed. "I know that, Max, and you will never need to be a suit, I promise. This will just give you a higher salary and more share in the company profits. You deserve it. You are the entire foundation behind Cubed. Take the offer, and then you can take the money and trick out your van some more."

Max smiled and shook my hand. "Thanks, man."

I nodded, and we toasted to our mutual success. "And to my beautiful bride-to-be," I said. "What do you want to do about this wedding?"

"I want it to be a beautiful, outdoor, mountainside ceremony," Brooke said with a happy glow on her face. "I want it to be right on our own land next to the house among the mountains and under the stars."

"So a nighttime wedding?" I asked. "That sounds like it would be really amazing."

"I'll build an archway," Max offered.


*** (Tim Continued)

When we got back to Seattle, Brooke went wedding dress shopping with Kate, who was over-the-moon excited Copyright 2016 - 2024