The Season: Rush (Austin Arrows #1) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,96

I begin to wonder if something happened between the two of them recently. I haven’t kept up to speed on what’s going on with Spencer, really, but that’s because I’ve been so caught up in Ellie.

Spencer frowns. “I don’t have a problem with you, Amber.”

“Are you sure?” There’s a hint of vulnerability in her tone.

Doesn’t the girl get it? When you break up with a guy over voice mail, what the hell do you expect? Him to open his arms and welcome you back into his world? Yeah, not gonna happen, Red.

“I’m sure. I’ll talk to the guys in a bit, and I’ll text you and let you know.”

A small smile pulls at the corner of her mouth as she nods.

“Better yet, you wanna come over to the bar and have a couple of beers? We can talk to them together.”

Ah, crap. That’s definitely my cue to jet. I’m not interested in watching them play catch-up on the last seventeen years of their lives. Boring.

Her smile widens, as do her eyes, and I’m tempted to roll mine. I suspect there’s a hint of surprise in there, too.

“I’d like that.”

“Cool. See you in a bit.”

I’m still standing here when Amber turns to walk away. I guess she didn’t know I was there, because her eyes widen and she looks horrified.

What? Worried someone might tell on you?

“Bro, what’re you doing?” I bluntly ask Spencer, not caring that she’s not out of earshot yet.

He turns his eyes on me. Apparently he didn’t know I was still there, either.


I cock an eyebrow and nod my head toward the redhead marching down the hall. “You asked her out.”

“I did not,” he barks adamantly. “She’s part of the team. No reason she shouldn’t hang out with the guys at the bar.”

Now, I know this is going to sound stupid, but I can’t stop myself from asking. “What about Noelle?”

Spencer frowns. “What about her?”

I study my friend for a minute, trying to see if he’s hiding something. I know that he claims that he and Noelle are merely friends, but I saw the way he was looking at her at the charity dinner. No one in their right mind could’ve looked at them and not seen the blazing heat that was churning. Those two are attracted to each other, even if they won’t admit it.

“Please tell me you’re not entertaining the idea of … getting with her?” I’m once again referring to Amber, and Spencer knows it.

“Not a chance.” His tone is firm, as though he really does believe that.

“Have you even talked to her about when she broke up with you?”

“Of course not. That was ages ago. It’s ancient history.”

I consider that for a moment. It’s really not my business what Spencer does, but I truly don’t want to see some chick rake him over the coals again. I remember when Amber quit him. I remember how mopey he was at the time. And I also remember that he hasn’t had a serious relationship since then.

“Well, for your sake, I hope that’s where you can leave it. In the past.”

Spencer gives a quick nod, then glances down the hall, then back to me. “You ready for that beer?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely.” I grin, glad for the subject change. “But I need to run a couple of errands first. I’ll meet you there.”


It’s not even four when I see a parking lot full of hockey players coming toward the door.

They’re not wearing jerseys, but I can tell you, when you see roughly ten grown men, all standing close to six feet tall or taller around these parts, you can pretty well assume they’re Austin Arrows players.

When the door opens and the bell sounds, I glance over, my gaze meeting my brother’s for the first time in what feels like forever. The whole team’s been on the road for several days, so it’s been relatively quiet around here. Well, except for last night when they won. Shit got kind of crazy at that point, but it usually does.

“Hey,” Spencer greets, coming to stand on the other side of the bar from me.

“Hey. Y’all did great last night,” I say cheerfully.

“Yeah, thanks. Think we could get a round of beers?”

“Of course.” I peer behind him to see who all has arrived. I don’t see Kingston, and a sudden flash of disappointment washes over me.

“I’ll bring ’em right over,” I tell him before going to work.

As I’m flipping off tops, Noelle walks over, greeting the group quickly before coming toward me.

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