A Season of Angels Page 0,20

this point Jody was more than willing to listen to words of wisdom. She'd thought of little else but the letter from the moment it had slipped from Timmy's binder. The conversation with her son had served to disconcert her even more. This hadn't been an impulse; he'd been serious.

"Go ahead, Mom, say what you want and I'll listen."

Her mother smiled and reached for Jody's hand, squeezing it gently. "I don't think I fully appreciated your grief when Jeff died. I ached for you and would have given anything to bring Jeff back, but the depth of your pain escaped me until . . . until this past year." She paused as if she needed to steel herself. "After Ralph died I knew what you'd endured. The death of a loved one is the sharpest pain a human can experience. I felt like a piece of myself had died with your father."

"Oh, Mom." Jody's grip on her mother's hand tightened, to let the gesture say what she couldn't because of the huge constriction blocking her throat. They were close, had always been close. Jody had been an only child and the bond had been firm and strong between her and her parents.

"I can appreciate far more the agony you endured when you lost Jeff. I understand why your grief has lingered all these years, but I also know Timmy is right. The time is long past due for you to get on with your life."

"But - "

"Listen, please, and when I've finished you can say what you wish.

"Take the love you and Jeff shared and place it in the most tender part of your heart. Treasure the few short years you had together as a precious gift God gave you and then offer it back to Him in gratitude that you found such a special man to love."

Tears rolled unchecked down Jody's cheeks. She'd assumed the well was dry after spending the night looking through the photo album, but they returned fresh and hot, streaming down her face.

"In my heart I know Jeff wouldn't have wanted you to grieve this way."

"I know that too," Jody whispered, struggling to check the emotion. She'd wanted to be strong when she spoke to her mother, but it took only a few words for her to realize how weak she actually was.

"Meeting other men, even marrying again, doesn't mean you have to stop loving Jeff," her mother continued.

"I don't think I could ever stop loving him."

"I understand that. It would be impossible for me to stop loving your father."

"It is time for me to start dating again, isn't it?" Even as Jody made the suggestion, she couldn't help wondering if she was doing the right thing. It didn't feel right, but then nothing had from the moment she'd received word Jeff was gone. It seemed as if her world had been knocked off its orbit and would never right itself. Now her mother and her son were saying different. There was a new life waiting for her and the possibility of finding love again, if she were willing to put the past behind her and march forward.

"It's past time," her mother told her gently. "I'm sure you've been asked out over the years. You're a beautiful young woman."

Jody nodded, twisting a tissue with her hands. "Glen Richardson surprised me last week with an invitation to dinner. I was so shocked I didn't know what to tell him."

"I don't believe I've heard you mention his name before."

"He's one of the attorneys at the firm. I don't work directly with him, but it seems we continually bump into each other at the copy machine. It's become something of a joke."

"What did you tell him?"

"Heavens, Mother, I don't remember. I made up some ridiculous excuse, but he said he'd ask again and he probably will."

"And when he does?" her mother prompted.

"When he does," Jody said, clenching the tissue in both hands, "I'll . . . I'll promise to think about it."

"Jody Marie Potter!"

Jody laughed and relaxed against the back of her chair. "Oh, all right. One date, just to test the waters."

Her mother smiled broadly, looking downright pleased with herself.

The phone was ringing when Jody let herself into her house later that same night. Setting down her purse, she hurried into the kitchen and caught it on the fourth ring, just before the answering machine took over.

"Hello," she said, her voice shaking with breathlessness.


The voice was strangely familiar. "Yes?"

"This is Glen . . . Glen Richardson. I

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