A Season of Angels Page 0,106

and Glen aren't engaged anymore," Timmy explained excitedly. "He was in love with someone else and Mom's still in love with you."

Jeff's eyes slowly sought out hers as if he were afraid to trust what he was hearing. "Is that true?"

She nodded. "I never stopped, not for an instant. I couldn't breathe and not love you."

Jeff held out his arms to her, Jody flew off the chair and inside a heartbeat was at his side. Jeff wrapped both Timmy and her in his embrace.

Tears rained down Jody's cheeks as she spread soft kisses over Jeff's face. The three of them were laughing and crying all at once.

"God answered my letter," Timmy said excitedly. "He gave me back my very own dad."

"A baby girl," Leah repeated, afraid there'd been some misunderstanding. "We should have been contacted by the adoption agency before now."

"Apparently the mother only made her decision yesterday afternoon. The crazy part is our daughter's right here in this very hospital. She's here, Leah. Here. Mrs. Burchell said she was born yesterday afternoon at Providence Hospital."

According to the records Leah had been reading when Andrew arrived, there'd only been one girl delivered on December twenty-third and that had been the birth she'd assisted. Michelle Madison's baby.

"Michelle," she whispered, closing her eyes. The frightened young woman who was so alone and had clung to Leah. The one Leah had spent her entire shift coaching through labor and birth.

"Andrew," she said, laughing and crying both at the same time. She took her husband by the hand. "Come, I'd like to introduce you to our daughter." Trembling, she led her husband toward the nursery. She had him remove his jacket and put on a sterile blue gown and set him in the rocking chair. Then with her heart so full it felt as though it would burst wide open, she gently lifted the sleeping infant from her crib and tenderly placed her in Andrew's arms.

"She's so tiny," her husband whispered, looking down on the plump pink face of their daughter.

"At eight pounds six ounces, her birth mother didn't think so," Leah said, smiling through her tears. "You two get acquainted and I'll be right back."

A look of panic came over Andrew. "Where are you going?"

"To talk to someone very special."

"What if she cries?"

"One of the nurses will help you, but don't look so worried. Everything will be all right." Including the rest of Leah's life.

Michelle was sitting up in bed when Leah came into the room. When she saw it was Leah, the young woman smiled and held out her hand, which Leah gripped. "Have you heard from the adoption agency yet?" Michelle asked.

Leah nodded. "My husband just told me." Now that she was here, Leah's heart was so full that she didn't know if it was possible to find the words to thank Michelle.

"When I decided against the abortion, I didn't know what I was going to do," Michelle started. "A friend suggested adoption and so I contacted New Life Adoption Agency. Their counselors were great, they didn't pressure me one way or the other. I met with them several times and they listened. You see, I assumed that in order to give up my baby, I had to keep myself from loving her, and I couldn't seem to make myself do that. In the beginning when Lonny left me, all the baby represented to me was heartache, and later as she started to grow and move, I discovered how very attached I was getting. I couldn't help being curious about adoptive parents, though, and for the first time, just a few weeks ago, I read over several profiles. Your letter stood out in my mind."

"Why?" Leah wanted to know. The letter had been written years earlier, and she couldn't remember any of what she'd said.

"You wrote about being a delivery-room nurse and how you felt about helping young women through labor and birth. It seemed to me you must be someone very special. Then by some kind of fluke the birthing class I was attending toured Providence Hospital and we met you. Naturally I didn't know your last name, but I remembered what you'd written. When I asked Jo Ann about you she told me you didn't have any children yourself, I figured you must be the Leah whose letter I'd read."

"That was why you chose to have your baby here at Providence Hospital?" Leah asked.

Michelle nodded. "It was pure chance that you could be with me. I still hadn't decided

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