A Season of Angels Page 0,104

said sadly and raised her fingers as if to touch his face. He meant to jerk away, but found he couldn't. As it never failed to do, her touch rippled through him like an electrical current. Her softness had branded his life and his heart. There was no escape. He could run to the far ends of the world and every breath he drew, every beat of his heart would be for her.

Capturing her wrist, he roughly drew her palm to his mouth where he planted a series of tender kisses.

"Dear God, Monica," he said, hauling her into his arms. He buried his face in the delicate curve of her neck and drew in several deep, uneven breaths. "I can't make myself leave you. I tried. God knows I tried."

The sheet music she'd been holding fell to the sidewalk as she clung to him. He felt her trembling, her tears moistening his face and her breath coming in soft gasps that fanned his throat.

He held her against him, his chin resting on the crown of her head. His eyes were tightly closed. "We'll get married, just the way you want, although I can't help but feel you're getting the bum end of this deal."

Chapter 19

"You're my real-life dad?" Timmy asked, staring up at Jeff with wide, disbelieving eyes.

"Yes, son, I'm your father." Although Jeff answered Timmy, his gaze was leveled on Jody, his look expectant and filled with nervous anticipation.

Her pulse had yet to right itself, and the dizziness from the frantic beat of her heart continued. He was terribly thin, she noticed. His cheeks were hollow and his eyes seemed to sink back into his head. This was a man she didn't know and barely recognized as the one she'd loved.

Jeff seemed greedy for the sight of Timmy and her, staring at the two of them as if he couldn't quite believe this moment was real.

Timmy opened the screen door and Jeff walked inside the house, pausing in front of Jody.

Her eyes begged him to convince her this was happening and that he was as real as he seemed. She'd been under a good deal of stress and she feared that this was all a figment of her imagination. Some dream she'd wake from with a start. When Jeff had first disappeared she'd repeatedly dreamed of a moment like this when they'd be reunited. Then she'd wake with a heavy heart and the loneliness would close in and swallow her.

Her hand trembled as she worked up the necessary courage to touch him. She laid her fingers against his forearm. He felt solid and real. Warm and alive.

Alive. Jeff was alive.

"Where were you?" she asked in a sobbing breath, pressing her hands to her throat. "Why did you leave us? Why?" The questions crowded on top of each other, damming her mind and her tongue. The only one to escape was the least important.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" he asked, and Jody realized how terribly shaky he was. "I'm a bit weak yet," Jeff explained.

It was all Jody could do to nod.

Timmy took Jeff by the hand and led him to the sofa. "You don't look like my dad," he commented, carefully studying his father. "You're too old."

"I feel like I'm about a hundred," Jeff said, examining his son. He cupped Timmy's face and his eyes filled with tears. "Not a day passed that I didn't think about and pray for you. I carried the picture of you with me through the months. I swear it was what kept me alive. I could endure anything as long as I remembered my wife and my son."

"Where were you?" Timmy asked, sinking onto the cushion next to his father.

Trembling almost uncontrollably, Jody sat in the chair across from them both, her legs too numb to continue to support her.

"I was in a Russian prison," Jeff explained. "It's a miracle I was released."

"You were in Russia?" Jody repeated in a breathless whisper.

"I'd gone to Germany on business and on a fluke decided to visit East Berlin. I was curious about the other side of the wall, but doubted that I'd be able to make it through the border with an American passport. It was surprisingly easy to obtain fake identification."

"You went through all that trouble because you were curious about East Berlin?" Jody found the entire story unbelievable and a fermenting kind of anger took hold of her. He'd risked everything for some crazy need to look at life on

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