The Search The Secrets of Crittenden Cou - By Shelley Shepard Gray Page 0,70

surely he wouldn’t mind if she stood by the door?

The moment she looked out the window that made up the top of the door, she felt her spirit lift. The sun was shining brightly. Casting a warm, optimistic glow over the whole property.

Reminding her to always have hope, because tomorrow was a brand new day—a day when anything could happen.

Closing her eyes, she said a fervent prayer. “Thank you, Lord, for giving me protection, and for helping me during each day. Thank you for giving me strength. And please be with Chris, too.”

There. It was a clumsy, hasty prayer. Not the kind of prayer she liked to say at all. But what could she do?

Opening her eyes, she sighed happily. Yes, everything was surely going to be all right.

Jah. Just fine. Her heartbeat slowed and she started breathing more evenly.

Until she spied a man’s face looking right back at her, on the other side of the glass.

Chapter 23

“There’s no strength where there’s no struggle. My Mamm taught me that.”


More frightened than he’d ever been, even more scared than the first time he’d made an arrest by himself in the middle of a drug bust in a dark alley in Cincinnati, Luke prayed that Frannie was all right.

Seeing her through the window, he pounded on the door. “Frannie! Let me in!”

But she seemed frozen to her spot. Staring at him like he was a stranger, and a scary one at that.

“Frannie, it’s me. Luke. Come on. I need to talk to you.”

Two blinks and a mental shake later, she had refocused. With precise movements, she unlocked the door and opened it for him. “Chris is meeting with someone. He had out his gun. Did you see him?”

“Yeah. His buddies from the DEA are here. I was pulling up when they arrived. When I realized he was going to need some time to brief them, I told Chris I’d come back here to see you.”

“You scared me something terrible.”

“I know. I’m glad you opened the door.” He smiled softly at her, hoping against hope that she’d be still so shaken up by his visit that she’d practically leap into his arms so he could comfort her again.

She didn’t look like she was in a hurry do any such thing. No, right before his eyes, she began to distance herself from him.

“Why did you come over, Luke? Did you have more questions for me?”

“I suppose I deserve that. I came over to make sure you were okay.” Of course, the minute he said that, he felt like the biggest fool in the world. She had a team of armed DEA agents in her front parlor, and last time he’d seen her, he’d practically called her a liar and a suspect in his case. He’d also told her that they didn’t have a future.

After he’d kissed her.

And—oh yeah—she was still recovering from her surgery.

“I am fine. You may go now.”

Though he tried to tamp his expression, he felt his eyes widening. No doubt showing Frannie how surprised he was. “I don’t want to leave you yet. How about I stay here with you until the agents get organized? You don’t want to do all of this alone.”

“That is not necessary.” Her voice was a little snippy. Curt. “Chris said he would protect me. One of his coworkers is going to come here so I wouldn’t be alone.”

Chris would? A bolt of jealousy that was completely ridiculous came out of nowhere. “I’m staying.”

“No, Detective, you will not. It is not necessary.” And with that, she turned her back on him and traipsed out to the front room.

Luke stayed in the back as he heard Chris greet her, then introduce the other men on his team to her. As Chris began to explain what would happen next, Luke edged into the back of the room, nodding at the other men when they took note of his appearance.

Then Frannie looked his way once more. And right in front of everyone, she said, “Detective, if you have no other questions for me, I’d appreciate it if you would be on your way. It’s been a long day.”

Conversation stopped. The three other men looked his way, all of them wearing expressions of varying degrees of amusement.

Yes, Frannie Eicher had effectively managed to put him in his place. With witnesses. There was nothing to do but leave, as she asked. “All right, Miss Eicher,” he replied, speaking just as formally as she had. “Thank you for your time.” Copyright 2016 - 2024