The SEAL's Surprise Son (The Admiral's Seals, #1) - Leslie North Page 0,45

Sparkles. His brothers didn’t ask questions. He could count on their help no matter the situation they were walking into.


Carolyn backed away, bumping into the remains of a display case. She held her hands away from her body while her mind plotted her possible actions. Running wouldn’t work. He held the gun, and it was a tight space. A bullet would hit her before she could get down the hall to the office. Talking him down didn’t seem like an option either, since his hatred appeared boundless.

Her only choice was to fight. She’d spent hours in martial arts classes as a kid and teen, working her way up through the gradings until she received a black belt at seventeen. She’d been trained never to attack except in self-defense, which described this situation precisely. The gun he held on her was the first thing she had to deal with. And then him.

“Maybe we can find some other way,” she said as she subtly moved her feet to improve her stance. Thank goodness she’d worn flats and her dress had a full skirt. She’d have the freedom of movement she needed. “I could pay you compensation.”

“With what?” He chuckled maniacally. “Your business is on the ropes.”

“The safe’s full of jewels,” she countered. “I could open it, and you can take your pick. Take it all.” She’d tempted him. She could see that by the greedy gleam in his eyes, but he didn’t look away as she’d hoped he might, giving her the opportunity to strike.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Watching me get picked up by the police when I tried to pawn some fat diamond. No, there’s only one way this is going to end. You’re going to die here in the store your family stole from mine. The ultimate revenge. I wish my mother could see this moment, see the destruction I caused. The fire was so beautiful. Even the smell of the ashes”—he drew in a breath—“is sweet. She’d be so proud of me. I got revenge for all the wrongs your family caused.” He stared straight at her as he spoke. The gruesome satisfaction she saw in his eyes terrified her, but she fought to stay calm.

“Our mothers were friends,” she said. “Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

“Yeah, it means your mother’s a bitch. She backstabbed a friend. I think I’ll go after her next. I almost got your sister in the fire, but her time will come.” He inched even closer, within range of a strike. Any second now, she’d take her chance. “I’ll save your little boy for last, to make sure the family name can’t continue.”

The mention of her son filled her with power. When a noise to his left distracted him for a split second, she went into action, targeting his weak left leg with a powerful kick and knocking him off balance. The gun dropped from his hand and she kicked it away, but she wasn’t finished. With all the force in her, she drove an open hand up and into his nose, feeling the bone crunch. He screamed in pain but came at her, landing a punch on her jaw and sending her back into the cabinet. Before she could right herself, he was on her, grabbing her hair.

“That’s it, you bitch. I’m going to kill you with my hands.” He raised a fist to punch her again. Before he could, he was yanked backward and thrown to the floor.

Zach was on him, landing blow after blow to his face and body. Oh, God, he was going to kill him. Enough violence had already occurred without that. She rushed forward, risking a hit to put her hand on Zach’s shoulder.

“Stop, Zach,” she pleaded. “He’s not worth killing.”

Another punch connected with the man’s face before Zach stood up. Dale Huntly was out cold.

“He would have killed you,” Zach said, turning to her. His arms went around her, pulling her against his chest. She could feel his hammering heart and knew hers was going just as fast from fear and adrenaline, but she’d survived.

“You stopped him,” she said. She’d hurt Dale, but she had no illusions about what would have happened if Zach hadn’t come in at that moment. She owed him her life.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Zach whispered into her hair, “for last night and this morning.”

“Shhh, we’ll talk later. Just hold me.” His arms tightened around her, and they stood together until brakes squealed on the street and a man ran into the Copyright 2016 - 2024