The SEAL's Surprise Son (The Admiral's Seals, #1) - Leslie North Page 0,33

the highest point. They sat at the bench under the tree and looked out at the small valley before them. Austin had walked some and was tired enough to sit between them.

“I haven’t been here in a long time,” Zach commented.

“Me either.” They didn’t say what they were thinking: that they were last there together more than two years before.

“We should make it a goal to hike a different trail every weekend,” he suggested.

“Including the expert ones?” She pointed down at Austin’s head.

“We’ll get one of those kid backpacks. I’ve seen other families with those here.”

Other families? Had he intentionally or unconsciously used the word? Either way, she liked the idea of a family activity. Austin, who had been sitting very still, reached out and touched the bracelet she wore, drawing Zach’s attention to it.

“One of your designs?” Zach asked. “It’s pretty.”

“I…thanks.” She stumbled over the words. How did he know she’d designed the bracelet of intertwined silver and gold braids? “How long have you known?”

He grinned at her. “I saw a couple pieces on your dresser. That bracelet and a necklace.”

“But what makes you think I designed them?” She’d never mentioned it to anyone, unsure of her abilities.

“Back when we lived together, I occasionally saw sketches of jewelry—although I think you tried to hide them from me. I was hoping you’d tell me about them someday, but I see I had to be the one to bring up your talent,” he said with a grin.

She had tried to hide her designs, tucking them away when Zach was home on leave and bringing them out to help fill the time and occupy her mind so she wouldn’t worry while he was on a mission. Only a few of her ideas had become actual pieces of jewelry. She’d learned how to design and make jewelry in art classes during college but rarely used her skills.

“I thought the pieces were beautiful then, and I still do,” Zach added. He put his arm across the back of the bench and touched her shoulder. “You should consider selling them at All That Sparkles.”

She felt herself blush at his compliment. “I don’t know about that.” The designs pleased her, but she was never sure if they were good enough to entice others to purchase them.

“Lookee,” Austin shrieked, pointing up the elm tree to where a squirrel scampered across a limb.

“Squirrel.” Carolyn enunciated the word.

“I want,” the boy said.

“No squirrels in the house,” Carolyn admonished jokingly. “They’d eat all our peanut butter. We’ll just look at them outside.”

“I bet if we keep walking, we’ll find other animals. I believe there’s a pond on this trail with fish and frogs,” Zach said, making Austin hop off the bench in excitement. The boy turned, grabbing a hand from each his parents as if he’d yank them up. Zach played along, pretending to fly up and stumble forward. Austin laughed in delight at his daddy’s antics. Carolyn was pleased by them as well.

“Nice slapstick,” she murmured to Zach when they’d started toward the pond.

“It’s fun having a kid to play with,” he said before frowning. He took a glance at Austin, who’d stopped to pick up leaves. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you when you were pregnant or when Austin was an infant. I don’t know anything about babies, but I could have walked the floors with him at least.”

“I’m sorry you didn’t get the chance to be with him.” She sighed, acknowledging it was an emotional speech for the normally guarded man. “Zach, we can’t change what happened, but I’m glad you’re here now.”

“So am I.” He leaned in, giving her one kiss before scooping up Austin.

They made their way back to the parking lot after a stop at the pond, where Zach caught a frog and held it just long enough for Austin to touch the creature. Austin kept up a steady babble of frog, frog, ribbit, frog during the drive home. Following a quick cleanup, Zach took Austin to his room for a nap.

“Is he out?” she asked when Zach returned to the living room.

“Like a light.” He sat next to her on the couch, close enough that their shoulders touched.

“I think we’re going to hear the word frog a whole bunch for the next few days,” she said. New words were like that. They got stuck on repeat in Austin’s brain. “It made an impression on him.”

“It was a great day,” Zach said. “One of the best of my life. Thanks for sharing Copyright 2016 - 2024