The SEAL's Surprise Son (The Admiral's Seals, #1) - Leslie North Page 0,30

decision that I made, I wouldn’t mind, but it’s wrapped up in sordid details I’ve tried to hide from you and Charlotte.”

Carolyn couldn’t imagine her mother being involved in anything unsavory, so she waited for her to continue.

“When you were very young, I started a jewelry business with a friend of mine. I thought she was my best friend. Her name was Marta Huntly. We’d met when we both worked for Tiffin’s Department Store. I was in jewelry, of course, and Marta sold perfumes and cosmetics. Anyway, we decided to go out on our own. I put up most of the capital to buy merchandise and rent a storefront. Overall, it went pretty well for the two years we were in business, but only if I was constantly in the store. Marta wasn’t the type to do her fair share, as I quickly learned.”

“Were you forced to close?” Carolyn asked. Small businesses failed frequently, especially new ones.

“We could have made it, but…” Her mother seemed to take a moment to gather herself. “You aren’t going to like this part of the story.”

“Tell me,” Carolyn said, her suspicions running wild.

“I was headed out of town for a trade show,” her mother said slowly, “when my flight was canceled at the last minute. I returned home, planning to fly out the next morning. You and Charlotte were with my mother, thank goodness. When I arrived, Marta’s car was in the driveway. I thought that was odd, because she was supposed to be managing the store, but I let myself into the house and went upstairs…”

A sick feeling churned through Carolyn’s stomach. She remembered that trip to Grandma’s house that got extended for several days. When it was over, her parents sat her down and told her that they were filing for divorce. “You found Marta with Dad.” She filled in the blank so her mother didn’t have to.

“I did. In our bed.” Faith paused. “I was angry with both of them, and then I felt hurt and foolish for not having realized. Of course, they claimed they were in love. The affair had been going on for more than a year.”

“Do you think they loved each other?” Sadly, Carolyn didn’t know her father well enough to guess.

“No,” Faith said with a rueful smile. “They lasted less than a year together after the divorce. Your father, I’m sorry to say it, loved himself above all others and always had a wandering eye. I don’t think Marta was the only woman he was with during our marriage.”

“God, that’s awful,” Carolyn said. She hated the thought of not being able to trust the man in her life. She glimpsed Zach and Austin out the window. They were feet apart, tossing a red ball back and forth. She and Zach had had their differences, but she’d always known she could trust him.

“He was not cut out for family life,” her mother said. “I knew he was bored and restless, but I was so busy running the business and raising you girls.”

“You don’t blame yourself, I hope.” Carolyn was well aware of her father’s shortcomings. As a kid, she’d refused to see him for what he was, always hoping he’d come back and be the father she’d dreamed of. That bubble burst long ago.

“Not anymore. Needless to say,” her mother continued, “we dissolved the business and sold off all the assets. Out of that and the divorce settlement, I was able to pull together the money to open All That Sparkles.”

“That had to have been tough, Mom.” Carolyn could only imagine that kind of betrayal. She’d felt something like that when she thought Zach was abandoning her and their son, but her mother’s experience was far worse.

Tears shimmered in Faith’s eyes. “It was. I lost my husband, my best friend, and my business all at once. But I had you and Charlotte, and I still had the dream of opening my own store.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t do it on your own to start with.”

“Being a young mom and opening a business is scary. I guess I was too frightened to follow my dreams on my own. The chance of failure was too great. After the mess was over, though, I had to do something for myself and you and your sister. I had to be successful.”

“I remember how hard you worked, doing everything yourself and still being there for us,” Carolyn said—remembering, too, how rarely she’d seen her father throughout middle and high school, until he completely Copyright 2016 - 2024