The SEAL's Surprise Son (The Admiral's Seals, #1) - Leslie North Page 0,26

wanted him to find something definite—and soon. So much was at stake for her.

Her determination to protect her business gave her a bit of insight into Zach’s undying commitment to being a SEAL. She was trying to guard her family and employees against attack and would do darn near anything to accomplish her goal. Was that how Zach felt about his military career? His duty there was so much greater. He’d wanted to defend his country, every citizen, feeling it was his responsibility.

And she’d tried to take that away with her ultimatum. She’d been selfish, she recognized with shame, since she hadn’t wanted to share him. Her own insecurities had driven her words to him. She’d been frightened of being abandoned again by a man, so she’d made Zach make a choice when he only wanted to do what was just in his eyes. It was time for her to think differently, to look forward to what could be with him and not give in to her fears.

She glanced at Austin when she heard the garage door open, happy that the toddler hadn’t noticed since Zach wouldn’t come in right away. He’d do a sweep of the property first, as he did several times a day, because he was hardwired to protect. And to love. She’d seen that so much since his return, even if he didn’t say the words.

The second batch of cookies was in the oven before Zach quietly opened the kitchen door and stepped inside.

“Hi,” she said, going to him, knowing that he would kiss her as he’d done other evenings. It was the domestic life she’d wanted with him and thought she would never get.

“Smells good in here.” His arm was around her waist, holding her to him.

“I made cookies. Austin helped.” They turned in time to see their son toss a handful of flour in the air and laugh as the powder filtered down onto his dark hair.

“Uh-oh,” the boy squealed, delighted with the mess he’d made.

“Uh-oh is right,” she said with a smile.

“I’ll clean it up,” Zach volunteered as he headed for Austin and gathered the boy in his arms, dusting him off.

“No, take him and play,” she insisted. “He’s been asking for you for an hour. I’ll sweep it up and make dinner.”

While she cooked, she could hear them playing in the living room. Zach was a natural father. He’d looked to her for direction at first, but he seemed to instinctively know what Austin wanted and needed. She was lucky, lucky to have both of them. She was on the verge of telling Zach that, but she was still afraid of the words. Maybe she could show it instead.

“Let’s watch a movie tonight,” Carolyn suggested when they finished eating dinner. “It looks like rain outside, and I could do with a good laugh.”

“What’d you have in mind?” Zach asked.

“Classic slapstick, I think.” She knew it was Zach’s favorite. He and the Admiral had been fans of the old-style comedy movies and watched them together. From what he’d told her, those were some of the happiest memories of his youth.

“Always my first choice in film.” He grinned at her as he took Austin out of his high chair, making her heart flutter. She felt as she had when they were first in love, but there was something more between them. Maybe it was the knowledge of each other. Maybe it was because they shared a child now.

“I know.” She smiled at him as she rose and stacked their dishes. “You pick. The DVDs are in the cabinet under the television.”

“You watch slapstick still?” he asked, looking happily surprised.

“You got me hooked,” she said with a shrug, “and Austin likes them.”

In the kitchen, she loaded the dishwasher and put together a tray of cookies and milk for a movie-time snack. Her boys were already on the couch with the television on and a DVD loaded when she carried the tray into the living room. She placed it on the coffee table and caught Zach’s eye. He dropped his gaze to the cookies, then looked back at her. His face softened as she’d rarely seen it do, and he gave her a tender look, but he said nothing.

When they were engaged, she might have been upset by his silence, but she understood him better now. He was used to concealing his emotions, keeping them inside, and didn’t always know how to express his feelings. She knew he appreciated the movie and the cookies because they Copyright 2016 - 2024