The SEAL's Surprise Son (The Admiral's Seals, #1) - Leslie North Page 0,20

was certain what she wanted. The kiss gave him an indication, maybe more of a beacon, but their relationship was complicated, and he didn’t want to jeopardize things by pushing too hard too fast.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pressed one last kiss on her lips and let himself out the door. He’d return later to watch over the house, but their kiss had given him plenty to think about. He wanted her. That had become clear to him over the past few days. He still regretted he’d missed out on his son’s first year, but he believed she’d tried to contact him, so any blame he’d wanted to pile on her was gone.

All he could see now was that he loved her as much as he had two years before, maybe even more now that they shared a son. He wanted Carolyn and Austin as his family, not just to visit or watch over from the street. He wanted to live with them and share everything. It would be a matter of convincing her of that. The good-night kiss was a good indication of her feelings, but building a life together wasn’t as easy as just moving in.

He considered the best way to win her back as he drove across town to a buddy’s place for their weekly poker game. Zach stopped to buy chips, salsa, and beer, his contribution to the evening, before heading to his former spotter’s house. He and Nick Kobal went way back, having worked as a team during several missions. Nick retired from the SEALs three years earlier, when his second daughter was born. He now worked for the same security firm Zach did.

Seeing some of his former brothers-in-arms with families had helped him understand Carolyn’s perspective. Many of the guys he’d trained with had retired when they married and had kids. Others got out when injuries slowed them down. They’d prioritized their lives, while Zach had continued until chronic injuries forced him to make a change—and only then because he feared letting down his team while on an operation. The Navy would have reassigned him to a desk job or made him an instructor, but those weren’t positions that interested him.

Getting out of the service was a big change, and now he had to grapple with even bigger changes in his life. Changes that he found himself excited about. A son and a woman he loved. He was still worried about the threats to Carolyn’s store and her insistence on investigating them, though.

He pulled up in front of Nick’s house, realizing how much the shoe was on the other foot. Carolyn broke it off with him because of her fear for him. Now he was concerned about her, the danger she might be facing. Her problems had become his—as they always should have been.

His brother Colin parked behind him and flashed his lights. Being with his brothers again was another reason Zach was happy to be home, even if they were only on leave. They stayed in contact as much as possible, connecting in between missions over the years—but it wasn’t the same as getting to see each other any time they wanted. As Colin stepped from the driver’s side, their younger brother Alex got out of the passenger’s. The three met in the street, taking a few minutes to talk before going inside.

“How’s Austin?” Colin asked.

“He’s great,” Zach replied. A couple of days earlier, both his brothers had gotten the chance to meet Austin at Carolyn’s house.

“Can’t believe you produced such a cute kid,” Alex teased him. “Must all be from Carolyn.”

“She’s a good mom,” Zach said sincerely. She was a good woman and the one he wanted in his life permanently. He’d made that decision once before about her, but he wondered now if he’d really been willing to commit to her. He’d thought other things were more important. Now he could see that nothing was. He just had to play it right with her and Austin.

“You’ll make a good father,” Colin said, realizing Zach’s worry, “even if you’re coming to it a little late.”

“I appreciate that,” Zach replied. “Carolyn’s made it easy for me.”

“You’re still in love with her,” Alex observed with a grin.

Zach kept his face carefully neutral, as if he had four aces in his hand and didn’t want anyone to know. He wasn’t going to let his little brother goad him into admitting what he was just figuring out himself.

“Ignore him.” Colin gave Alex a shove back. “How Copyright 2016 - 2024