SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,74

later, Grayson hauled the next few boxes upstairs, setting them on the floor of the living room as he looked around. “Where do you want the loveseat?” Ethan called out. He and Jackson paused in the doorway, both men looking over at him.

“Against the far wall,” he said. “The living room will be a little more crowded, but I’ll get rid of those old chairs.”

“And the table,” Hailey reminded him, carrying an armful of clothes down the hallway.

“Yep. Yours is much nicer than mine.”

Blake chuckled in the doorway, his girlfriend Clarissa at his side. “I still can’t believe Hailey is moving in with you,” he said with a grin.

“You’re one to talk,” Hailey joked, walking back into the living room. Her auburn hair was piled atop of her head in some sort of messy bun, she had on sneakers and workout tights, but she was the most beautiful thing Grayson had ever seen. The tank top she had on clung to her curves, and he’d showed her just how attracted he was to her earlier that morning, kissing and suckling at her breasts before going down on her.

They’d eventually made love, and although he would’ve been happy to spend hours exploring and pleasuring her beautiful body, it was moving day.

Jackson and Ethan set the loveseat down against the wall but then walked over to grab some water bottles, taking a break from moving stuff in for a few minutes.

“She’s right,” Clarissa said to Blake. “You are one to talk. I moved in with you almost right after we got back from Colombia, remember? I came for the summer and then just never left.”

The other guys laughed, Troy grinning at them. “Both of you are whipped. Guess the rest of us will be hitting the bars ourselves from now on.”

Ethan groaned beside them. “Man, I don’t know. The last two women I met at Salty Sunset have been a little bit nuts.”

Logan chuckled. “What happened?”

“The blonde I met last weekend wasn’t too thrilled when I up and left first thing the next morning. She’d already planned on us spending the entire day together.”

“She needs to learn how one-night-stands work,” Logan joked.

Grayson wrapped his arm around Hailey’s shoulders as she stopped beside him. Even running around all morning, he could smell her faint vanilla scent, and his cock stirred. “You were right,” she said, looking up at him. “We should’ve moved your old table out first.”

“No worries,” Grayson said, ducking down and kissing her forehead. Her scar was fading more and more each day, but she was still beautiful as hell to him. “The guys will grab it and carry it out of here.”

Ethan shook his head, smirking. “Damn. We never should’ve offered to help. This asshole will have us rearranging the entire place,” he joked.

“So you got out of your lease?” Clarissa asked Hailey. “The turnover around here is higher than I expected. I was in a college town in Texas, so it wasn’t too surprising. The townhouse next door to Blake’s—”

“Next door to our townhouse,” he interrupted with a smug smile.

Clarissa playfully elbowed him in the side but beamed up at him anyway. “The townhouse next door to ours was only empty for a few days. A new renter moved in almost immediately.”

“She’s a quiet little thing,” Blake said.

“I know. I should invite her over sometime. She seemed really nervous when I introduced myself.”

Jackson frowned from where he stood next to Ethan, listening quietly to the entire exchange. “You think she’s in trouble?” he asked in a low voice.

“I don’t know. I’ll keep an eye on her just in case,” Blake said.

“Anyway,” Clarissa continued. “My point was, I was surprised it was rented so quickly.

Hailey looked back and forth between the two of them, her lips quirking. “I did get out of the lease. I think with everything that happened, the management office felt sorry for me and cut me a break. Plus, a lot of military people live there. They don’t want to get on anyone’s bad side since so many renters are military or government. They won’t have any trouble filling the spot.”

“Thank God for that,” Grayson said. “Although even if we had to pay your rent there a few months, I still would’ve wanted you here with me.”

“So when can we expect wedding invitations?” Troy joked.

Hailey turned bright red, her hand coming to rest on Grayson’s abdomen as she moved slightly closer to him. He inhaled sharply as his cock twitched, her hand only inches away, but Copyright 2016 - 2024