SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,55

knows she’s here?” Jackson asked, leaning closer. “If so, that poses a whole new layer of problems. She shouldn’t be alone.”

“Which is an issue in and of itself because she’s starting her new job,” Grayson said. “She can stay here with me as long as she needs. I told her we’d get her apartment set up so it’ll be ready for whenever it’s safe. Hailey’s lease starts next week, and she has movers, but I’ll go with her to supervise.”

“So we’re assuming this is tied to the traitor,” Logan said, glancing around. “Did the CO give any indication that they’ve narrowed that down?”

“They haven’t. The investigation into the bombing is still ongoing. Two women are still missing. It sounds like Hailey will be interviewed soon, along with everyone who was working in the general’s office.”

Troy let out a low whistle. “That’s a hell of a lot of people.”

Grayson nodded. “Unless they’re using a computer, they’re not texting her from Bagram though.”

“So you think they’re working with someone?” Jackson asked.

“Maybe. Or they were there for a short period of time, like us, and already home.”

“Or their deployment was up,” Blake commented. “They could’ve been there all along but were part of a team coming back stateside.”

“This is fucked up,” Troy muttered. “All of it—the bombing, the tip-offs regarding our op, the text messages.”

“I think it’s all tied together,” Grayson said.

“Maybe something will come out of the interviews,” Jackson mused. “Someone will know something or have noticed someone acting suspiciously.”

“That’s my hope,” Grayson said. “But in the meantime, I need a way to protect Hailey.”

The men sat around discussing strategy for the next half an hour, going over how to best protect her now that she was out in San Diego. By the time he’d finished meeting with his teammates, Grayson felt somewhat better. They all had his back, which meant, they had Hailey’s as well. He didn’t like that he’d met her under these circumstances, but he’d do whatever he needed to make sure she was safe.

Chapter 15

Two days later, Hailey was feeling well enough that she and Grayson had gone out together. He still claimed it wasn’t an official date, since he was showing her around San Diego and she needed to do a little shopping. They stopped for lunch at a cute Mexican place though, and after eating cafeteria food for the better part of the past year, she felt like she’d died and gone to heaven.

“That was the worst thing about coming home injured,” she said from across the table.

Grayson tilted his beer back to take a swig, but raised his eyebrows.

“I was looking forward to doing some things in DC that I’d missed before moving across the country—dinner with some friends at my favorite restaurants, stopping by this coffee shop I love, just little stuff. Oh, and before you ask, the coffee shop actually has amazing tea there, too.”

He chuckled. “Was I that obvious?”

“You looked confused,” she said, smiling across the table at him. “But instead of doing little stuff like that, I was in the hospital and then just resting at home. “I didn’t get to visit any of the places I missed.”

“That does suck,” he agreed. “I know when we come back from a longer mission, I can’t wait to hit up some of my favorite places either or spend a long day at the beach.”

“Do you like to swim?”

“Surf, actually. Although I do like swimming, too.”

“Makes sense given that you’re a SEAL.”

“Please tell me you like the beach,” he said, grabbing a chip and dunking it in the salsa.

A couple walked in the front door, and Grayson’s eyes swept to them before looking back at her. She noticed he was always totally aware and alert of his surroundings. Even back in Bagram, when they’d heard the emergency siren, he’d instantly known what to do and pushed her to the ground. It was almost like he always had a backup plan, even for everyday life. Oddly enough, that was comforting. Maybe it should’ve alarmed her to some extent, but instead, she just felt safe with him.

“I love the beach,” she assured him. “I was kind of regretting not getting an apartment closer after enjoying the view from your balcony.”

“You haven’t moved yet,” he said. “You could look at different places now that you’re out here.”

“I already signed the lease, so I doubt I’ll be able to get out of it at this point. It’s fine,” she said with a shrug. “I was hours away from Copyright 2016 - 2024