SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,47


Grayson clenched his jaw as he paced his living room, on the phone with his teammate. His blood was boiling as he recounted the story of everything that had happened earlier, ending with the latest text Hailey had gotten.

“That’s fucked up,” Troy muttered. “Who the hell would be sending her threatening texts? Did you tell Raptor yet?”

“Negative. He and Clarissa were going camping this weekend,” Grayson said in a low voice. “I didn’t want to bug him unless it was an emergency since we just got back last night. I know how he was looking forward to seeing her. This changes things though.”

“Shit. We should probably notify the commander.”

“Yep. I’ll give him a call. My gut is telling me this is related to everything that went down in Bagram. I don’t like that Hailey is somehow involved in this. She’s already been through hell. But with the investigation continuing, things might only escalate from here.”

“How’s she feeling?” Troy asked.

“She’s sick with the flu or something but seems to be recovering from her injuries just fine. She’s got a scar on her forehead, and I know her ribs have to still hurt. She’s a trooper though—not complaining or anything.”

“I can’t believe she flew out here a week early.”

“Yeah. I guess to train with the person who’s leaving. It makes sense, but I hate that they even asked her since she’s still recovering. She should’ve had another week at home to rest, not to move here early and head into her office each day.”

“Yep. Maybe they didn’t know,” Troy said.

Grayson muttered a curse. “The whole damn reason she’s back stateside early is because of the bombing. There’s no way in hell they didn’t hear about that.”

“You’re right. Some idiot just wasn’t thinking. Is she staying with you all week?”

“Until we figure out what’s happening, absolutely. I already thought she’d be here a few days since she was sick, but damn. I can’t leave her alone when some asshole is threatening her. She doesn’t even have a car yet. She was in her hotel room where anyone could get to her.”

“You sounded worried enough earlier on base, but the threatening texts add an entire new layer of problems to this.”

“Exactly. It’s not safe for her to be in a hotel if she’s being harassed and someone claims to know where she is. One text could’ve been a wrong number, especially since it just said to be careful. But three of them? No way. Someone knows who she is, possibly where she is, and seems to think she knows something about the bombing.”

“We should meet tomorrow with the team,” Troy said. “Go over what we know and how to keep her safe until this blows over.”

“Yeah, thanks man. I know we’re all supposed to be off for the next few days, but this isn’t sitting well with me. Oh, I hear Hailey coming,” he said, glancing up. The hallway was empty, but she might’ve gone back to the bedroom to grab something.

“I’ll call the rest of the guys. Raptor, too, because he’ll want to be updated. Let us know what time you want to meet, and we’ll be there.”

“I appreciate it,” Grayson said with a frown. “I hope Raptor isn’t pissed.”

“He’d want Hailey to be safe,” Troy said. “You’re doing the right thing, Ghost. We’ll figure out what’s going on, hopefully find whoever was leaking intel, and then you and Hailey can live happily ever after.”

Grayson smirked. “It feels right having her here at my place.”

“Another one bites the dust,” Troy joked. “Hell, I’ve got sisters. I know how this shit works. She’ll move in with you and never leave. In another year or two, they’ll be some mini Ghosts running around.”

“Do you hear me complaining?” Grayson asked with a chuckle. “I like having her here. Hey, sweetheart,” he said as Hailey came padding back down the hallway barefoot at that exact moment. His cock instantly hardened as he looked at her, and he tried to get his mind out of the gutter.

She was injured and sick, not coming to drag him off to bed and let him kiss every inch of her body.

“Catch you later,” Troy said.

“Yeah man. Bye.”

Grayson looked back at Hailey and smiled. Her auburn hair was damp, hanging around her shoulders. She’d put on a clean sweatshirt that he’d loaned her, and his chest swelled with pride at seeing her in his clothes again. At knowing she’d be sleeping in his bed tonight. Maybe he wouldn’t be with her intimately—yet. Copyright 2016 - 2024