SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,39

not like strangers off the street were wandering in.”

“You did everything right,” he assured her.

“I hope so. I felt like they wanted more, you know?”


“Yeah, they asked if I’d noticed anyone acting suspiciously. My desk was out front, so I saw people coming and going every day. I’d have no way of knowing what they were doing though.”

“They’re questioning everyone,” he assured her.

“I know. It just worried me. I understand they have to investigate the bombing and stuff, but I don’t like knowing that my office was somehow involved.”

He eyed her half-empty soup container. “Should we bring that with us?” He lifted his hand and lightly touched her forehead. “You’re still warm. I’ve got some medicine at home but picked up some aspirin on my way over.”

“You’re serious about me coming to your apartment.”


She looked at him a moment, and Grayson reached down and picked up her hand. “Let me take care of you, sweetheart. It’s silly for you to stay here in a hotel when I’ve got plenty of space. Besides, you’re sick. You’ll be more comfortable at my place where I have a kitchen and sofa and everything. I can fix you something to eat, and you won’t be relying on room service.”

“You’re probably right.”

“Of course I’m right,” he said with a wink. “Do you need to do anything, or should I just grab your suitcase?”

“I didn’t unpack.”

“Yep, I can see that,” he said with a chuckle. He grabbed her clothes from yesterday, grinning as he palmed her panties.

“Grayson,” she squealed.

“Not the first time I’ve seen your panties,” he said with a smirk. He dropped her things into her suitcase and zipped it shut, looking proud of himself.

“What? Oh my God. You’re talking about in Bagram, right? When I was bleeding and—”

“I grabbed the first piece of clothing I saw,” he continued. “The building was on fire, Hailey. I improvised.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m just embarrassed all your teammates probably saw them, too.”

“They don’t care,” he said quickly.

She eyed him doubtfully.

“Look, I think they were sexy as hell, but the damn building was burning down. I needed to stop your bleeding. I promise you don’t need to be worried.”

She nodded, and pushing aside the covers, stood up. She was instantly cold again, and Grayson crossed toward her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Do you have a sweatshirt or something?”

“Not here. I’ve got more clothes in storage, but a lot was ruined in the fire.”

“No matter, I’ve got one you can use at my place.”

“I probably don’t need to bring my whole suitcase,” Hailey said, watching as he easily lifted it up.

“Humor me.”

She laughed softly. It might’ve been funnier if she didn’t feel so damn awful. “Are you always so bossy?” she joked.


She shook her head but let him guide her out of the hotel room. This was even crazier than when they’d met—she was going to stay in his apartment. She assumed he had a guest room or something, but at this point, she’d be happy to crash on the sofa. Grayson kept his arm around her shoulders as they walked down the hallway, and she sighed in contentment. Things were easy with him—they just clicked. She couldn’t explain the how or the why, but right now, she didn’t question it either. She felt more centered than she had in days now that Grayson was at her side. She’d go with it for now. Goodness knows they’d be back to work and their hectic lives before she knew it.

Chapter 11

Grayson glanced over at Hailey as they drove back to his apartment in his pickup truck. Maybe he should feel guilty for bossily telling her she was coming to his place, but damn. She was still recovering from the explosion and now looked like hell with whatever she’d come down with. She was shivering, and he’d grabbed a sweatshirt from the bag he always kept in his truck.

His sweatshirt with the word “NAVY” on the front was huge on her, but she looked cute as hell wearing it. Her auburn hair and fair skin stood out against the navy-blue color, but he’d felt some sort of primitive urge to see her in his clothing. She was his. Maybe she didn’t know or realize it, and they’d take their time to date and get to know one another, but damn. From the moment he’d seen her in Bagram, he’d wanted her.

“You should text your parents,” he said as they pulled to a stoplight.

She looked over at him in surprise.

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