SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,37

medicine, then settled back under the covers. She didn’t know what time it was, but her entire body ached.

Tucking the blankets around herself, she snuggled deeper into the soft bed. Several hours later, the buzzing of her phone on her nightstand woke her up. Groggily, she realized it wasn’t just a text, Grayson was calling her.

“Hello?” she croaked.

“Hailey? Are you okay?” he asked, sounding concerned.

She cleared her throat. “Yeah. I think I caught the flu or something. I kind of feel like I got run over by a truck.”

“Damn. I’m sorry, sweetheart. Maybe you shouldn’t come out here yet.”

“What do you mean?”

“I got your text that you were starting in your new office next week. Maybe you shouldn’t fly out if you’re sick.”

“Well, it’s too late for that. I’m already here,” she said lamely.

“Wait. What? When did you get here?”

“Yesterday afternoon.” She shivered, pulling the blankets closer around herself. Although she’d probably been asleep for hours, she was still totally exhausted.

“You moved into your apartment?” he asked, sounding shocked.

“No, my lease doesn’t start for a week. I’m staying in a hotel right now. They asked me to come in a few days next week to train for my new position. It will be the other person’s last week, so I’m going in a couple of times just to learn the ropes. I wasn’t expecting to feel like death warmed over though.”

“Hell. Do you need anything? I can pick up some food or medicine and bring it to you. You’re in a hotel?”

“You’re back?”

“I am. Tell me what you need, and I’ll swing by.”

“Grayson, that’s sweet, but I feel awful. I’m sure I look even worse. I’ll just order room service or something. What time is it anyway? I took some medicine earlier for my fever but fell back asleep.”

“One p.m.”

“One in the afternoon?!”

“Yeah. Have you been asleep all morning?”

“Yeah,” she said softly.

“Where are you staying? Hell, sweetheart. The guys and I just got in last night, and I crashed. If I knew you were here in San Diego and sick though, I would’ve come straight there.”

“I wasn’t sick last night,” she assured him. “Plus, I’m sure you were exhausted after being gone all week. It’s just the flu or something Grayson. I’m not dying,” she teased.

“Yeah, well, I still would’ve come by and helped you. Yeah, I was wiped, but I slept really well when I finally crashed and can come by. I had to go into base for an hour earlier but am off for the next few days. I’ll bring you some things; just tell me what you need.”

“Um, I don’t know. Maybe some soup and crackers if you’re serious. I can order room service,” she hastily added.

“Hailey,” he chided gently. “I can’t wait to see you. Of course I don’t mind picking up a few things to drop off since you’re sick.”

“Well, only if you’re sure.”

“It’s no trouble,” he assured her. “Tell me the address, and I’ll swing by this afternoon.”

She gave him the name of the hotel and her room number, and within the hour, Grayson was knocking on her door. Hailey stood up and swayed slightly, feeling lightheaded. She still hadn’t eaten anything, just sipped on some water and slept.

Grayson frowned as she opened the door, and she knew she looked awful. Her scar obviously hadn’t healed, and she was burning up and still cold. She’d changed into joggers and a tee shirt last night, and she shivered as she stood there in the doorway.

“Shit, Hailey.” His gaze swept the room, and she knew there wasn’t much to see—her suitcase and carryon. The clothes she’d worn yesterday. Some discarded tissues and her room service tray from last night.

“I was supposed to put that back in the hallway,” she said, taking a step back.

She swayed slightly on her feet, and Grayson quickly wrapped an arm around her waist, muttering a curse.

“I’ll take you back to my apartment,” he said, setting down the bag of food he’d picked up. There was a white paper bag that seemed to be holding chicken noodle soup, judging from the aroma, and a plastic bag from the grocery store with some medicine and snacks inside.

“Grayson,” she said weakly. “You just got back.”

“Yep. And I’m taking you with me. I can’t leave you here in a hotel room like this burning up with a fever.”

She nodded weakly, looking at him with watery eyes.

“Shit, what did I say?” he asked, looking worried.

“Nothing. It’s just—you’re sweet. My parents wanted to fly out here with Copyright 2016 - 2024