SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,35

wouldn’t have rushed into a burning building for a woman you didn’t know if she wasn’t special. I mean, there were plenty of other people to help there, right? You went straight for her. I’m just glad she was okay after that bombing.”

“Me too,” Grayson agreed.

They quieted as Blake began talking to their commander, updating him on what had happened that day. Sometimes the commander listened in on their op, but since this had spanned several days, they’d taken to briefing him periodically. The men listened to his instructions, and Grayson was dismayed to learn they weren’t flying out until morning. It wasn’t surprising, but he was more eager to get home than ever. He couldn’t call Hailey from here or check on her. He didn’t have anyone to let her know things had gone okay.

And hell. He hadn’t even talked to her before leaving—he’d just up and flown out with his team.

The life of a SEAL was rough—their first duty was always to their country. And it was hard as hell knowing he finally had someone at home that he cared about.


Nearly twenty-four hours later, Grayson finally pulled into his apartment building. They’d put away their gear, debriefed with the commander, and he’d finally made it home. He was exhausted and was looking forward to spending the next twelve hours or so doing nothing but sleeping. At the moment, he was too tired to even cook himself a damn meal.

He grabbed his gear from his trunk and strode toward his building. It was light outside but might as well have been midnight. After not getting enough sleep all week, crossing multiple time zones, and being constantly on alert, he was wiped. After a quick shower, getting the rest of the dirt and grime off of himself, he planned to crash.

At the moment, nothing sounded better than his own bed.

It was only seven at night, but damn. He’d survived on barely any sleep all week. Dropping his bag down after he walked inside, he headed straight for the bathroom. He was barely awake while he showered, and although his stomach rumbled from hunger, he was too tired to do much about it.

Grayson tugged on a clean pair of boxers after toweling off, crossing his bedroom. He turned his cell phone back on, looking at it in confusion when he saw the messages from Hailey.


He wanted to talk to her more than anything but knew he could barely form a coherent thought at the moment. And what did she mean she was coming a week earlier? Would her things even have arrived yet? Would her apartment be ready? Was she coming in just a few days?

He was too tired to even understand what she meant. He’d talk to her tomorrow, and then they could hopefully figure out a time to see each other next week. Grayson would likely be busy on base again, but maybe he could take off a few hours and pick her up at the airport or something.


He couldn’t wait until she got here to the west coast.

Thumbing a quick text back to her, he hit send:

We just made it back, sweetheart. I’m exhausted. I’ll call you tomorrow. -Grayson

Then he put his phone down and collapsed onto his bed, sleep immediately overtaking him.

Chapter 10

Hailey’s phone buzzed on the nightstand of her hotel room, and she glanced at it, shocked to see Grayson’s name flash on the screen. It had been nearly a week since they’d talked, and she’d missed their nightly phone conversations more than she wanted to admit.

The five-hour cross-country flight earlier that day had been uncomfortable with her still-healing ribs. She’d been on painkillers when she flew from Landstuhl back to DC, but this time, she’d sat in the uncomfortable seat with only a couple of Tylenol to relieve her discomfort. Although she was doing better than a week ago, sitting in the same position hadn’t done her any favors.

She was sore and exhausted, and her first night on the west coast involved nothing more than relaxing in bed.

Her belongings had arrived ahead of her in San Diego, and the moving company was holding them for a week in storage until her apartment was ready. She’d need to buy a car out here, buy more clothes and personal items since many of her things had been ruined overseas, and then get settled into her new apartment a mere seven days from now.

Just the thought of unpacking and decorating was overwhelming, but she hoped she’d be feeling Copyright 2016 - 2024