SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,20

between his teammates. “You two are whipped.”

Grayson shook his head, smirking. “I don’t even know Hailey’s last name. How the hell do you figure I’m whipped?”

Ethan laughed. “I can see it in your eyes, man. The same expression Blake had on his face when he met Clarissa.”

“Yeah, well, they spent hours together trekking through the jungle. I don’t even know Hailey. That was the whole point of asking her to dinner—to get to know the woman.”

Blake rolled his shoulders, watching the buildings pass by as their convoy finally slowed to a stop. “We’re not meeting with the general for an hour. Go check on her, Ghost. Make sure she’s okay.”

Grayson nodded, worry coursing through him. Of course she was okay. She was in good hands in the hospital. That didn’t mean he wasn’t itching to see her though. He had no right to feel the way he did, but at the moment, he wanted to collect her in his arms and hold her and make sure she really was okay.

That didn’t mean Hailey was as interested as he was though. Sure, he’d held her close as he’d carried her out of that burning building and lightly kissed her forehead, but she’d been scared and hurt. She probably would’ve been grateful to anyone who’d come to her aid.

He needed to slow his roll before he scared her off.

He’d see her, yes, but he couldn’t just waltz in there and pull her into his embrace, no matter how badly he wanted to feel her in his arms again.

The men dropped off their gear, and Grayson quickly showered and changed before heading toward the hospital on base. It seemed relatively quiet as he got closer, and he wondered if Blake had been right about moving patients out. He’d expected a lot more commotion here.

His teammates had gone to the cafeteria to grab some food before they had their briefing, and he wondered if he should’ve gotten Hailey something to eat. Hell. Shouldn’t you bring a person in the hospital something? Flowers? Food?

Shaking his head, he walked to the nurses’ station. It was too late for any of that now. He could ask Hailey if she needed anything, and he’d grab it before their meeting. He didn’t even know Hailey’s last name. How the hell was he supposed to find her? Hopefully they’d be able to help him out. He wasn’t above going room to room looking for her.

He spoke in a low voice to the woman at the nurse’s station, frowning when she said that a woman named Hailey had been flown out earlier today.

“Damn it,” Grayson muttered. “I wanted to see how she was.”

“Hailey—oh yes, wait a second,” another nurse said. She pulled open a drawer and pulled out a folded slip of paper. “She left this for you.”

Grayson raised his eyebrows but took it from the nurse, turning and stalking away from the desk. He was tired, hungry, and worried about Hailey, but at the moment, this felt like the most important thing in his life. He unfolded the paper, looking at her neat handwriting on the small piece of paper.


I can never thank you enough for rescuing me. They’re sending me to the hospital in Germany, and I’m sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye in person. My friend Kimberly Turner is missing. I know you have more connections than me. Please let me know if you can find out anything. My cell phone was destroyed in the fire but look me up in the DOD email directory.

I hope to see you again.


Hailey Fletcher

Grayson stared at the small slip of paper for a beat. Jesus. She’d given him her last name and asked him to contact her. But it was the little “xoxo” that she’d written that was making his heart beat erratically, which was crazy.

He gripped the note tighter in his hand. He regretted like hell that he’d just missed her, but his chest swelled as he read the note again. She knew he’d come back. She’d clearly felt the same connection he had with her yesterday. She sure the hell wouldn’t have written that if he’d just been some random man she had absolutely zero feelings for.

And her friend was still missing after the explosion? Holy shit.

His SEAL team hadn’t gotten word of any missing people, but they’d most likely been injured or killed in the explosion. It’s not like his team would be sent to the bombed-out building when there were plenty of available hands to aid Copyright 2016 - 2024