SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,2

And while women working here obviously didn’t wear the sexy clothes the waitresses had, he couldn’t imagine her in that type of outfit anyway. She’d flushed too much to be the type of woman to flaunt her body in that way.

Grayson didn’t have time to meet a beautiful woman on an op though. He was here with his team and had planned to be gone within a matter of days. It’s not like he was a deployed sailor, here for six months or more. The enemy up and leaving had proved their original mission would take longer than planned, but damn. He’d be flying home to San Diego before he knew it.

Grayson had work to do, and he couldn’t let his interest in a random woman get in the way of his mission.

Thirty minutes later, the guys were crossing base to the cafeteria. The team had MREs stashed with their supplies, but since they were now free at dinner time because they weren’t immediately moving in, they’d damn well enjoy it.

They’d reconvene later to go over the specs of the village and detailed plans for tomorrow. But for now? They’d enjoy a hot meal while they had the luxury. There was no telling what the rest of the week had in store for them, or if they’d end up chasing that asshole Sayed up into the mountains after all.

“Hell,” Jackson “K-Bar” Clinefield said. “It’s been a while since we’ve hit a chow hall while on an op.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Ethan said. “But it’s gotta be better than those damn MREs. I’ll take what I can get.”

Blake chuckled. “Clarissa was sad when I left, and I offered to leave a few MREs behind at the house to remind her of me.”

“I’m sure that went well,” Troy quipped.

“Nope. But no worries, I had time for a proper goodbye. I left her plenty to remember me by—not that she’d exactly forget.”

Grayson smirked. “Hell, the first time I came home to Shawna after an op, we went at it all night. It was hotter than hell. Of course, that relationship pretty much fizzled out within the week though. She liked the idea of bedding a Navy SEAL, just not actually dating one.”

“Her loss,” Blake said.

“Yeah, well, we all know that wasn’t ever going to be something long term. It probably would’ve only been the one weekend if we hadn’t been sent to Colombia.”

Blake frowned. The men had deployed on a mission earlier that summer to bring in a terrorist who’d recently set up shop near Bogota. They’d found Blake’s now-girlfriend, Clarissa, being held hostage in the middle of the damn camp. None of them had known she was there, and if Blake hadn’t searched the tent she’d been in, she might never have escaped.

Their relationship had been fast, and she was now living with him for the summer. It was surprising to see his SEAL team leader so hung up on a woman, but Grayson knew they were good for each other. He couldn’t fault his buddy for finally finding “the one” after years of dating random women. Not when he could see that Raptor was now happier than hell.

The rest of them were still single as ever though, but after his latest fling with Shawna, Grayson wasn’t so sure he was ready to continue with that. Blake and Clarissa were perfect together. He was protective and possessive toward her, but she grounded him in some ways, too. Grayson wouldn’t mind having a woman to come home to. Having Shawna waiting for him last time was hot. If he found a woman he could be that passionate about forever?


Consider him signed up.

As he’d grown older, he’d finally begun to see what he was missing out on. The Navy and his career and country had come first all these years, but Grayson wouldn’t be a SEAL forever. He’d probably become an instructor or possibly even command teams from base.

Maybe he hadn’t wanted a serious relationship or family when he was younger, but now?

He shook his head. It was crazy to even be thinking things like that while here on an op.

The men moved into the cafeteria, lining up behind other military members. It was loud inside, with full tables and the scent of cafeteria food filling the air. It wasn’t exactly five-star dining, but the food would still be better than what they’d packed for themselves. There was nothing wrong with grabbing a hot meal while they could.

Jackson took a tray and got in Copyright 2016 - 2024