SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,16

the crippling of the enemy’s leadership would go a long way in protecting U.S. forces in the meantime.

Ethan walked over, swinging his rifle back around in front of him. “They knew we were coming.”

Blake grunted. “It sure the fuck seems that way. The general has bigger problems than Sayed if there’s a goddamn mole on base.”

Troy spoke over their headsets from the second Humvee. “What’s the word? Are we ready to roll in? The Army platoon on the other side of the village is in position and ready.”

“Affirmative. We’ll search every house, but the women and children aren’t to be harmed. Don’t shoot anywhere near them unless your own life is in danger.”

The men all responded affirmatively.

No one liked dealing with villages like this—there were too many unknowns. The insurgents’ camps at least let them know who they were up against. No one felt guilty about putting a bullet between the eyes of a terrorist, but this?

They protected the innocent, and having women and children used as human shields was unconscionable.

“Get into position,” Blake ordered.

The rest of their SEAL team jumped out of the second Humvee, the drivers ready to move forward along with the men as they searched the village. Blake spoke briefly with the Army platoon officer, readying to move in at the same time.

The villagers of course knew they were here, but it’s not like they’d run in with their weapons blazing. Not when there were innocent bystanders everywhere.

Grayson gripped his rifle, already beginning to sweat under his body armor and helmet. It was hotter than hell here, even in the early morning.

“Let’s move in groups of three. Ghost and Everglades are with me.”

“And I’ll take point with our group,” Troy said.

“The Rangers are in position and ready,” the officer said over the headsets.

“Roger that,” Blake said. He looked over to his team and signaled them. “On my count. Three. Two. One. Move!”

The men began rushing forward, the platoon in the middle of the streets standing guard as the SEALs went door to door. Grayson pounded on the first door, ready to breach it before an elderly woman opened it.

Cursing under his breath, he brushed past her as the men moved inside. Two children were huddled on a bed, and a pregnant woman sat off to the side, watching them. Blake stood guard in the doorway, but as Grayson moved through, he realized there were no men inside the home. “Clear,” he said into his mic.

It might be a coincidence, but given that some villagers were waiting outside, it appeared they had warning.

The second house was no better—a mom with two kids, and a set of elderly grandparents. The team quickly searched the home, but it appeared the able-bodied men and teenage boys had disappeared.

“Second home is negative for our tango. SITREP?” Blake said.

“Moving in to our third house,” Troy said over the headsets. “We’ve only encountered elderly men, women, and children so far.”

“They fucking deserted their families?” Grayson asked in disbelief.

“Maybe they didn’t have a choice,” Ethan said as they exchanged a glance.

Grayson nodded. It could be that Sayed had forced them to take up the fight of the insurgents. They could’ve been the men in the camp that had quickly moved out yesterday. Leaving an entire village of women, children, and elderly seemed risky too though. Someone else could easily come in and harm them.

They moved out of the next house, Ethan’s voice coming over the headsets. “Fourth house is clear.”

“Our team has spotted something,” the Army officer said into the headsets.

“Roger that. Go ahead,” Blake said harshly.

“They’re breaching the door now. It doesn’t look good—there’s an awful smell emanating from the house. Shit. Five bodies.”

“Men, women, or children?” Blake asked in a clipped tone.

“Five men. They appear to be teenagers or possibly in their early twenties. Looks like they were all shot at close range.”

“Fuck,” Grayson said. “Sayed had them killed?”

No one answered, but that’s what they all suspected. Nothing about this mission was making sense. Someone had to be feeding the enemy their moves. Normally they snuck in, completed their op, and snuck back out without any notice. This time they’d arrived on a large military base unannounced, yet the enemy seemed to be a step ahead of them at every moment.

“They knew we were coming,” Blake said with a frown. “Any sign of Sayed?”

“Negative,” came the multiple replies.

Troy spoke for the other half of their team. “We’ve searched six houses on this side of the road. There hasn’t been a man in Copyright 2016 - 2024