SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,11

for tomorrow.”

“Yeah, let’s head back. I don’t think they need any more help here at the moment,” Grayson said.

“Looks like its MREs tonight after all,” Logan quipped.

Grayson grunted, glancing around. There was one lone figure moving off near the side of base, and he frowned.

“What’s wrong?” Troy asked.

He saw another person walk over and talk to the man who was there alone, and Grayson relaxed his stance. “I don’t know. I just feel like whatever happened isn’t over.”

“It sure as shit isn’t over until we bring in Sayed,” Ethan said.

Grayson turned with his teammates, ready to head for the barracks, when another small explosion rumbled from the other side of base. He froze as the hair on the back of his neck stood up, realizing that it was coming from the direction he’d just left Hailey in. That didn’t mean much at the moment, because there were multiple buildings between there and here. The thought of her in danger made his stomach clench though, which was unsettling. He barely even knew the woman, and she was the first thought in his mind when he sensed danger.

“What the fuck?” Ethan muttered.

A second, louder explosion followed the first as the men hit the ground, and the night sky lit up with fire.

“God damn it!” Grayson shouted, and then he jumped up and was running straight toward the explosion without thinking, his teammates hot on his heels.

“There was a second suicide bomber!” Blake yelled.

They crossed base in record time, Grayson cursing the entire way. When he reached the building he’d left Hailey at, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The front part was completely engulfed in flames, fire and smoke rising skyward, and the side of the building had partially collapsed from the explosion.

His heart pounded in his chest as he watched some of the women coming out the doors. They were covered in soot and ash, some of them bleeding and injured. Blake began barking commands to his men as they rushed to help, and Grayson could hear more sirens headed this way.

His mind was on Hailey though. He’d just left her here. He’d told her it would be safer getting her back to her housing, not waiting out here in the open, and the building had been fucking bombed. Stepping over some of the rubble, he hurried toward the doors.

He didn’t even know Hailey’s last name to ask about her.

Surprisingly, the damage inside wasn’t nearly as bad as he expected. The bomber must have been standing outside of the building. Smoke filled the air though, and he knew the fire outside would soon come in. The crumbling side of the building was extremely dangerous as well—women could be trapped inside, injured, or killed, and the building was on fire.

They needed to get everyone out as quickly as possible.

“Hailey!” he shouted, knowing he was being foolish. She wouldn’t hear him over the noise and commotion. He didn’t even know where in the building she lived. The fire alarms were blaring, people were shouting and yelling, and he moved forward without thought. He helped a woman who’d tripped and fallen over, handing her off to someone else.

He looked around again, not even knowing where to start.

“You need help, Ghost?” Blake asked, rushing up to his side.

“I need to find her,” he said.

Blake nodded, understanding passing between them. Blake had met his girlfriend Clarissa on an op. As improbable as it had seemed, they’d bonded immediately. Instantly. He’d helped her through the Colombian rainforest after rescuing her from a terrorist camp. They’d been separated from the rest of the team, and by the time they’d met up the next day, the two of them had practically been inseparable.

It was fast and crazy and unexpected, but their relationship had continued. Clarissa had moved in with Blake for the summer, and Grayson wouldn’t be surprised if his buddy married her one day. He’d never thought his SEAL team leader would settle down, but it was like as soon as he’d met Clarissa, that had been it.

Grayson wasn’t foolish enough to think he was going to marry Hailey—they hadn’t even been out on a single date. The woman had instantly caught his attention though, and he felt protective instincts rising within him at the thought of her in danger.

She’d been scared in the cafeteria when he’d shielded her with his body. What was she thinking now? His stomach roiled at the idea of her injured or in pain. He could handle whatever happened to him, but knowing that Copyright 2016 - 2024