Sea Glass Island (Ocean Breeze) - By Sherryl Woods Page 0,72

asked. A relative newcomer to the area, she wasn’t as familiar with the locals. Nor, apparently, had she been around when Cass’s accident had made the news.

Samantha explained about the teen’s disability and her desire to act. “So, of course, Ethan’s worried I’m going to kill her dream. He has no faith in my diplomatic skills at all. I don’t want to see Cass hurt any more than he does.”

“Sweetie, if you keep going through drinks the way you’re going through that one, he won’t be able to have an intelligent conversation with you tonight, anyway,” Emily teased.

Samantha grinned. “An excellent point,” she said, and ordered another one.

“Oh, dear,” Gabi said worriedly. “If she’s the only one who’s totally sloshed, we are going to have some explaining to do.”

“To Ethan?” Samantha asked. “He’s not the boss of me.”

Emily chuckled. “Something tells me it’s too late for second thoughts. Our sister is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.”

“Maybe it’ll help if we dance,” Meg said, checking out the dance floor enviously. “I’ve always wanted to learn the two-step.”

“Let’s go, then,” Sally said, pulling her up. “Nothing says we can’t corral a couple of the men in here to teach us. Who looks as if they know what they’re doing?”

“That one,” Meg said, her expression brightening as she pointed toward a lanky guy who looked especially good in a pair of faded jeans and a tight T-shirt.

“That’s Tommy Cahill,” Gabi said, following the direction of her gesture. She caught Meg’s hand. “Come on. He works with Wade, or Wade works for him. Doesn’t matter. He’s a sweet guy.”

With the possibility of an actual introduction squarely in front of her, Meg held back. “Married?”

“Nope,” Gabi assured her. “Not even dating as far as I know. He’s a contractor with an excellent reputation for building and remodeling high-end beach houses.”

Now Sally frowned. “Gay?”

Gabi smiled. “Not a chance. Just shy, I think. Now come on. He’s with friends. I imagine we can get them all on the dance floor. It won’t be like I’m trying to set you up,” she assured her friend.

“Oh, what the heck? I wanted to dance, not to get married,” Meg said, following Gabi across the wide-planked wooden floor.

Samantha hung back.

“You’re not going to dance?” Emily asked her. “You used to love dancing. You taught both me and Gabi.”

“That was when I could stand up without falling right back down,” Samantha said.

Emily laughed. “Your head’s already swimming?”

“Uh-huh,” she admitted. “You were right. I am a lightweight. And since I do not want to make a fool of myself in front of Ethan again because I’ve had too much to drink, I’m switching to coffee.”

“Do you think Boone will be furious if he comes in and catches me dancing with another man?” Emily asked, looking enviously at the other couples who were stumbling their way through the two-step by now.

“I think he’d want you to enjoy your bachelorette party,” Samantha told her. “Just skip the slow dances.” She looked across the room. “Looks to me as if there’s someone over there without a partner. Go for it.”

Emily started to cross the room, then turned back, her eyes wide. “It’s Boone,” she said, her voice hushed. “He’s not supposed to be here yet.”

Samantha chuckled. “I guess he couldn’t stay away.”

“Maybe he doesn’t trust me,” Emily whispered.

“That glint I can see in his eyes suggests something else entirely,” Samantha told her. “He’s on his way over here, so put on your prettiest smile and go dance till you drop. He’s always been the only man for you, so why pretend otherwise, even for a night?”

“He is pretty gorgeous, isn’t he?” Emily said, a slow smile spreading across her face. She put a little extra sway in her hips and headed in Boone’s direction. “Hey, sailor, want to give a girl a turn on the dance floor?”

Boone grinned. “I was looking at that beauty sitting over there behind you. Is she available?”

Emily punched him in the arm. “Not even remotely funny. You stay away from my sister.”

Boone looked down at her, his expression filled with adoration. “She doesn’t hold a candle to you,” he assured his bride-to-be.

That was the last Samantha heard as he pulled Emily into his arms. She sighed. She wanted that. She really did.

“Care to dance?”

Startled, she glanced up to find Ethan standing beside her. “You’re here!”

He smiled. “So it seems. I’m not so sure what sort of moves I have left, but I’m willing to try if you are.”

“Sure,” she Copyright 2016 - 2024