The Scottish Banker of Surabaya - By Ian Hamilton Page 0,71

missing him, at least his colleagues at the bank. Your locals should be a lot of help from a planning viewpoint.”

“It won’t take long with Waru. Do you want to wait here while I make the call?”

Ava wasn’t used to this level of efficiency, even from Uncle’s men. “Sure, why not?”

He took a BlackBerry from the top pocket of one of his knapsacks. Two flicks of his finger, a ten-second wait, and then Perkasa began speaking in Indonesian. Ava listened, not understanding a word, but guessing from his nodding head and occasional smile that it wasn’t going badly.

He put the BlackBerry in his shirt pocket. “Okay, we’re set,” he said.


“I told you, these are capable men.”

“The cars?”

“They have matching Pathfinders.”

“A place to take the banker?”

“Waru’s house is outside the city. His nearest neighbour is several hundred metres away. He’s going to phone his wife and tell her to take the kids to her mother’s for a few days, starting tonight.”

“And the picana?”

“He bought one.”

Ava was impressed. “Whatever you’ve been paid, I’m going to give you extra for yourself and the two men.”

“That’s not necessary. Uncle sent more than enough.”

“I insist, so please don’t argue with me.”

Perkasa conceded with a nod. “After he gets his wife settled, Waru will drive into the city. I told him to come here to the hotel. They should be here by six.”

“Perfect. That gives me time to get organized,” she said and then paused. “You said Waru is a policeman.”

“Yeah, he is.”

“When he freelances, does he mind using that to his advantage?”

“What do you have in mind?” Perkasa asked carefully.

“I’m not entirely sure yet. We’ll need to go over the plan, such as it is, before we see if there is any need.”

“Then that’s when we can ask him.”

“Fair enough.”

“Now what?”

“I’m going back to my hotel. Call me when they arrive.”

( 25 )

Ava knew she should eat but she wasn’t the least bit hungry. Her body was numb, her mind falling back into the depression she’d felt after her run. The meeting with Perkasa had brought Andy Cameron front and centre, and she couldn’t control the thoughts that washed over her.

She made an instant coffee and sat at the window, looking out on gardens that were familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The street fronting the hotel was busy now, and Ava tried to focus on watching people going about their everyday lives. It was a wasted effort. Cameron intruded. Ava pushed him aside, willing herself to think about what lay ahead. It worked for a few minutes but then he was back — an image of him walking down a golf course sharing a joke with his buddies, telling them about the good piece of ass he’d had the night before.

Ava got up from her chair and looked aimlessly around the room. I should have changed hotels, she thought. The idea occupied her for a moment, until she realized she didn’t have the energy to pack and move. What am I going to do to fill this afternoon? she thought, almost in a panic.

Her room phone rang and she stared at it. She didn’t answer, and a few seconds later the red message light began to blink. I should find out who called, she thought, but then her cellphone came alive.

“Ava Lee,” she said.

“Ava, this is Fay.”

“Hey, Fay.”

“Where are you?”

“In my room.”

“You changed rooms. They told me when I called in.”

“Yes, I did.”

Fay paused as if waiting for an explanation. When none came, she said, “And you didn’t answer your room phone just now.”

“I was in the washroom.”

“Ava, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I am. Why do you ask?”

“Because I’m concerned.”

“You have no reason to be.”

Fay said, “I don’t want to be indiscreet, but my sister Vivian called me about an hour ago. She said she visited you at the hotel this morning and that you were not well. She suggested I look in on you.”

“It isn’t you being indiscreet, it’s your sister,” Ava said sharply.

“Ava, please, it isn’t like that. My sister has a big heart. She’s worried about you, that’s all. She didn’t share any of your medical details with me, if that is what’s bothering you.”

“Look, I’m fine. I was a bit nauseated earlier, nothing more. I probably shouldn’t have called her.”

“Well, then, if you’re fine, would you like to do something this afternoon?”

“Fay, I’m not sure I’m in the mood for going out.”

“I’m already downstairs in the lobby and my car is idling at the front Copyright 2016 - 2024