The Scottish Banker of Surabaya - By Ian Hamilton Page 0,63

When she had, she walked back into the bedroom and handed the vial to the doctor.

“I think I should also scrape off some of that semen, in case at some point in time we need DNA. I would also like to take a blood sample for baseline purposes.”

Ava wrapped the robe more tightly around herself. “You can take any sample you want, but I want the urine results back as soon as possible, and I’ll pay whatever is necessary to expedite that.”

“The lab I use is closed on weekends.”

“What will it cost to open it? I’ll pay anything.”

“Okay, I understand, and I’ll do what I can. But Ms. Lee, you can’t leave it at this. We need to call the police.”

Ava shuddered. “No police. Please don’t mention it again. This has to stay between you and me. Not even a word to Fay.”

“I’m not sure that’s wise.”

“This is the way it has to be.”

“Ms. Lee —”

“No, there is no other option.”

Dr. Ho sat down beside her on the bed. “Well, if we’re going to do it your way, then let me get the semen sample I need.”

Ava closed her eyes. “Go ahead,” she said, and then grimaced as the blood sample was drawn. She felt a touch of nausea as the doctor scraped her chest.

“There, I’m done,” Dr. Ho said. “Now, as I said, in about three days we can run at least some of the STI tests.”

“I won’t be here.”

“You can have them run anywhere. Then, if you wish, you can have the results forwarded to me and I’ll compare them to the baseline data.”

“Of course.”

Dr. Ho reached for Ava’s hand. “If you’re not going to call the police there is no reason for you to remain in this state. Would you like to shower?”

“Yes, I think that’s a good idea.”

“Would you like me to stay in the room until you’re done?”

“Yes, I think that’s another good idea.”

She walked into the bathroom and glanced at herself in the mirror. Her hair was still pinned back, the ivory chignon loose but in place. She took it out, slipped off her crucifix, and then turned her back to the mirror as she took off the robe. She stood under the stream of water, her hands by her sides, not able to touch the traces of semen he had left on her body. When she thought they had to be gone, she took a bar of soap and began to lather herself.

Dr. Ho was on her cellphone when Ava left the bathroom, a fresh robe wrapped tightly around her. She saw Ava’s look of panic and mouthed, I’m talking to the lab technician.

She watched the doctor finish her call. “Thank you.”

“They’re going to open the lab right away. I’ll take the sample there as soon as I leave. We should have the results today.”

“I’ll know if I was drugged?”

“Yes, you will.”

“Thank you for everything, Dr. Ho,” Ava said as she climbed back onto the bed.

“Call me Vivian,” she said, coming over to her. She sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to intrude on Ava’s space. “How do you know Fay?”

“Through John, and only for one day. But I found her to be very considerate, like you.”

“My sister and I are very different.”

“Not that much . . . not where it matters.”

“Ms. Lee —”

“I’m Ava.”

“Ava, is there anything else I can do for you? Would you like me to stay for a while?”

“No, but thank you. I’m starting to feel some sense of normalcy. I’ll manage now. Just call me as soon as you get the lab results.”

Vivian stood. “I don’t like leaving you like this.”

Ava swung her legs over to the other side of the bed. “I forgot something. Don’t leave just yet,” she said.

Her Chanel bag was on the floor next to the desk. Beside it were the clothes she had worn the night before. Her slacks, with the pink shirt on top, two bottom buttons missing, her bra, still fastened, and the black lace underwear, ripped at the waist. She opened the bag and took out a business card and a roll of U.S. hundred-dollar bills.

She handed the card and eight hundred dollars to Vivian. “My mobile number is on the card if you can’t reach me at the hotel. And the money is for your fee and the lab tests. Is it enough?”

“It’s far too much.”

Ava pressed it into her hand. “There is one other thing I’d like you to do for me.”


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